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Exercise 8

Present your synopsis (see Exercise 7) orally to your colleagues - “visiting mechanical engineers from the USA”.

Exercise 9

You are given a dialogue in which equipment testing is discussed by two specialists.

A) Read the dialogue given below.

A: Good morning, Dr. Bruce.

B: Nice to hear you again, Mr. Allen. I wonder if I could make arrangements with you about new tests of the livestock feeding equipment we are buying from you.

A: Certainly you can. This is just what Mr. Evans wanted me to talk to you about. When would you like us to have the tests made?

B: Well, as soon as possible. But I‘d like you to make a few wear-sustainability tests of the frames as well.

A: This is just what we are going to do now.

B: I think, there are some defects in the engine too. The quality of the conveyer belts isn’t quite up to standard either.

A: Isn’t it? Then we’ll try and do our best to improve it. Is there anything else you want us to replace?

B: No, nothing but the engines and belts. The rest is just fine. I’m glad that you are so easy to deal with in terms of testing. Thank you. See you soon.

A: It is our pleasure to assist such loyal clients. Good-bye.

B) Translate this dialogue, paying attention to the Complex Object constructions.

C) Reproduce the dialogue with your partner.

UNIT 3. General Characteristics of Agricultural Mechanization in some Foreign Countries

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 400 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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