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Insert necessary letters

G_sol__e, pr_d__ed, sm_g, part_cul__es, prod_c_, _tmos__ere, fi__ed, p__s_n, d_s__p_ar__g, bec__se, en_u__, an_m_l, mil__on, p__lut_nts, ov_rp_pula__on, w_rm_ng, pois_nous, incomplete_, _lthough, ha_mful.

Complete the sentences.

1. Our forests are disappearing because…

2. If you have ever been in an enclosed parking garage…

3. If nothing is done about it…

4. When these fuels are burnt…

5. Although wind and rain occasionally wash…

Make up words and translate them.

reatebh _______________ _________________

lecsa _______________ _________________

nltpa _______________ _________________

bmtiocuson _______________ _________________

nasri _______________ _________________

gsom _______________ _________________

deceptisi _______________ _________________

ougnhsreee _______________ _________________

sgalinoe _______________ _________________

ifsosl _______________ _________________

otioonvpperula _______________ _________________

estcni _______________ _________________

ulrusf _______________ _________________

ginotern _______________ _________________

onrcab _______________ _________________

hranttee _______________ _________________

Correct the mistakes and translate the words.

daoxid _______________ _________________

efekt _______________ _________________

breth _______________ _________________

pestisid _______________ _________________

plunt _______________ _________________

insekt _______________ _________________

ekstinkt _______________ _________________

waistes _______________ _________________

combushion _______________ _________________

kemikal _______________ _________________

andergou _______________ _________________

ovirpopulashion _______________ _________________

polutinge _______________ _________________

polut _______________ _________________

Make up sentences from the following words.

1. industrial, They, fertilizers, filled, with, pesticides, wastes, nuclear, poison, chemical, and, are, and. __________________________________________________


2. main, They, the, and, reason, rains, for, the, effect, are, acid, greenhouse. _________


3. of, and, of, coal, oil, tons, Billions, are, every, consumed, the, year, around, world. _


4. our, is, serious, danger, in, planet, Today. __________________________________

5. poisonous, fuels, fuel, by, or, fossil, but, gas, is, incomplete, gasoline, the, produced, colourless, burning, of, like, odourless, This, diesel. ___________________________


Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 592 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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