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Read and translate the text. In Kyivan Rus' the first venues of sciences were monasteries

In Kyivan Rus' the first venues of sciences were monasteries. "Code of Laws", drawn up in the X—XII centuries, laid the foundation of what would later become Ukrainian, Russian, Belorussian, and Lithuanian feudal law.

The beginning of the XVII century saw the peak of the prominent linguist M. Smotrytsky. His "Slavic Grammar" became the basis of grammars of many Slavic languages.

A major venue of sciences in the XVIII century was the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Among its graduates were such celebrated scientists as M. Maksymovych and O. Shumliansky.

Much contribution to the development of Ukrainian science was made by M. Ostrogradsky (mathematics), O. Bodiansky (linguistics), V. Filatov (medicine).

In the XIX and early XX centuries the centers of scientific activity in Ukraine were Universities and Lyceums. In October of 1918 the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences became a scientific center. This Academy was founded by getman P. Skoropadsky. The first Academy President was the academician V. Vernadsky. In the 1920s there were three departments in the Academy.

The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was and still is the prominent scientific institution in the Ukrainian state. There are about 160 000 research workers, 12 000 candidates and doctors of science. There are 203 academicians, 280 corresponding members and 80 foreign members of the Academy.

Ukraine has made its contribution to the world space science. At the Southern Machine-Building plant about 400 artificial Earth satellites have been made.

During 1946—1951 the first electronic computing machine in Europe was designed by the academician S. Lebedev at the Institute of Electrical Equipment.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 620 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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