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Permanent exclusion

This is what we used to call expulsion - the pupil is struck off the school roll. For a school to take this step is exceedingly serious and the head teacher will only take things to this stage if every other measure they've tried to reduce the bad behaviour of a very difficult pupil has failed.

A one-off but very serious misdemeanour by a child could also be dealt with by a permanent exclusion.

When a child is given a fixed period exclusion, the school must set work for them to complete at home. If a child is permanently excluded, it is up to the local education authority to decide how best to educate the pupil. The authority could arrange admission to another school, or in some cases it may choose to admit the pupil to a special referral unit for more concentrated teaching in smaller groups.


4. Translate into English.

1) Деструктивное поведение детей представляет собой грубые, очевидные и систематические нарушения базовых поведенческих норм. 2) В современном цивилизованном мире телесные наказания детей отходят в прошлое. 3) Даже в элитных школах дети зачастую делают, что хотят и прогуливают уроки, когда им захочется. 4) Очень распространенной формой наказания детей в семье является лишение ребенка части родительской любви, однако частое применение такого наказания может оказать неблагоприятное воздействие на психическое развитие. 5) В процессе воспитания важно как наказание, так и поощрение, хотя взрослые часто не видят повода для похвалы ребенка. 6) Решение об отчислении ребенка из списка учащихся школы оформляется по строгой процедуре. 7) Ученика следует исключать из школы, если он нарушает дисциплину уже не один раз и делает это намеренно. 8) Если ученик сорвал урок впервые, то достаточно обыкновенного наказания, например, вызвать родителей в школу или оставлять его каждый день на три часа после уроков в течение всей недели. 9) Если ребенок не выполняет своих обязанностей, его можно наказать, например, лишив поощрения или привилегий.

5. Choose a statement from the text above and comment on it.

1) …it's estimated that 20% of criminal damage, 40% of street crime, 25% of burglaries, and over 30% of car thefts are carried out by 10-16 year-olds during school hours.

2) … humour can often defuse tension…

3) Corporal punishment is illegal - nobody should contemplate hitting a child.

4) Pupils must learn that if their behaviour is unacceptable, an appropriate punishment will follow.

5) Praise is a great reward.

6. Imagine you are a group of teachers in a school.

a) Look at the offences below. Decide if each example of bad behaviour is: very serious/serious/minor/harmless

1) running in the corridor

2) fighting on the floor in the classroom

3) swearing at a teacher

4) throwing a piece of paper across the classroom during a lesson

5) smoking in the school toilets

6) stealing from other pupils

7) singing during lessons

8) cheating in an exam

9) looking out of the window when the teacher is giving a lesson

10) forgetting to bring homework to the lesson

b) Now decide with your group which punishment you would impose on the pupil in each of the situations.

For example: Running in the corridor

‘I think running in the corridor is a minor offence so I would give the pupil lines to write. He would have to write 100 times “…I must not run…”’


Read the following text and comment on it. Compare the issues discussed in it with the current situation in this country.

British government has radical plans to raise the school leaving age.

Thousands of teenagers will be criminalised under plans to force them to stay in education until they turn 18, teachers and parents have warned.

Teenagers who refuse to continue in school or work-related training will be served with an "attendance order", which has been dubbed "the drop-out's Asbo", under plans outlined by Education Secretary Alan Johnson.

If they breach this order and refuse to study for a recognised qualification, 16 and 17-year-olds would be guilty of a criminal offence. They would then face court or a £50 fine.

The proposals came in a Government Green Paper which set out plans to raise the compulsory education leaving age from 16 to 18 - the first increase for 35 years.

But NUT general secretary Steve Sinnott said ministers had taken "entirely the wrong approach".

"The Government appears to want it both ways: voluntary involvement in education and training post-16 but being criminalised if you don't take part," he said.

"Criminalising young people is no way to ensure committed involvement. It will only serve to alienate and undermine any desire disaffected young people may feel towards continuing their education."

"Potentially this could criminalise thousands of teenagers. If they don't stay on until 18, they will face fines. This will hit those families who are the least able to afford it," she said.

Mr Johnson said it should be unacceptable to see a 17-year-old out of school, college or training as it now is to see a 14-year-old skipping class.


Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 282 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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