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Discovering the Main Industries of Canada

Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories, situated in North America. It is considered to be a bilingual and bicultural nation because of two official languages and people of different origin. Canada has one of the most developed economies in the world with a very high per capita income.

Canada is one of the largest producers and exporters of agricultural products. The main agriculture products produced in Canada are oil seeds and grains with the main produce being oats, wheat, soybean, barley, flax seeds, rice and corn. Along with grains, the country also has a high production of livestock (red meats) and poultry. Most of the poultry produce is domestically consumed. The horticulture production in Canada is also substantial with main produce being apples, prunes, pears, cherries, apricots and berries. The main agricultural industries are brewery, canary seed, dairy, chewing gum, fruit, honey, organic, potato and red meat industry.

Aerospace, defense and space are the leading industries in the manufacturing space. The country is also one of the largest producers of oil and gas with approximately $80.7 billion in revenue. The pharmaceutical industry is also one of the largest sectors in manufacturing with the major produce being medical drugs, biopharmaceuticals and nonprescription drugs. There are many research centers in the country which are supported by the state. There are also numerous consumer products produced in Canada like household appliances, plastics, furniture and textiles.

Resource industry refers to minerals and metals, forest products, fishery, nuclear and wind energy. In the sector of forest products there are two major categories: the wood products like lumber and different panels and paper products like pulp, printing paper, newsprint, paper board, and packaging paper. The main minerals and mining products are gold, aluminum, nickel, and lead.

The nuclear energy industry of Canada is as old as 60 years and supplies around 14.6% of the power requirements of Canada and an export worth $1.2 billion per year. This sector is also one of the largest employment providers in the country. Canada is also concentrating its efforts in developing the wind energy sector.

Communication and information technology is one of the fastest growing industries in Canada in terms of both manufacturing and service. The government gives stimulus packages to this industry to make Canada a world leader in the Information Technology and Communication sector. Nowadays Canada is the country with great heritage and a strong character, open to the world and full of opportunities.

6. Прочитайте текст ще раз та спробуйте закінчити наступні речення з пам’яті.

1. Canada is considered to be a … and … nation.

2. Canada has a developed economy with a very high ….

3. The country has a high production of … (red meats) and ….

4. Aerospace, defense and space are the leading industries in the ….

5. The country is a large producer of oil and gas with … $80.7 billion ….

6. Canada produces numerous … like household appliances, plastics, furniture and so on.

7. The main forest products are wood and paper products like pulp, …, …, etc.

8. Nowadays Canada is the country with great ….

9. The … industry’s export is … $1.2 billion per year.

10. The government gives … to Communication and information technology sector.

7. Дайте відповіді на запитання щодо Канади. При необхідності користуйтесь наведеним вище текстом та додатковими джерелами.

1. What is Canada?

2. Why is Canada considered to be a bilingual country?

3. What are the main industries in Canada?

4. What main agriculture products does Canada produce?

5. What product is for domestic consumption?

6. What are the leading industries in the manufacturing space?

7. What product has $80.7 billion in revenue?

8. What manufacturing sector is supported by the state?

9. What consumer products are produced in Canada?

10. What refers to resource industry?

11. What two major categories is the forest sector divided into?

12. Where are the main minerals and mining products of Canada centered?

13. What industry does the government give stimulus packages to and why?

14. What kind of country is Canada?

8. використовуючи відповіді на наведені вище питання, підготуйте розповідь про Канаду (100-150 слів). Користуйтесь додатковими джерелами.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 670 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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