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Discovering Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state situated on the British Islands.

In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants from former British Asian and African colonies. They live mostly in towns and cities and their suburbs.

The climate of Great Britain is mild and wet. That’s why there are a lot of evergreen plants in the UK. The worst thing about the English climate is smog (a mixture of smoke and fog).

Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources; it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas. The North Sea oil and gas deposit have made Britain self-sufficient in energy. To the most perspective energy technologies belongs wind, tidal and solar power.

Britain’s economy is based on private enterprise, which accounts for 75% of output and nearly 70% of employment. British industries can be divided into three main groups:

1. Primary industries providing raw materials and food from the land and the sea (energy resources, agriculture).

2. Manufacturing industries making finished goods from raw materials (electronics, aerospace, chemical, textile).

3. Service industries (banking, business, computing, tourism).

British agriculture is known for its high efficiency and productivity. Britain is one of Europe’s most important fishing nations.

The electronic industry produces an extensive range of computer hardware systems, associated equipment and software.

The aerospace industry, the third largest in the world, exports over 70% of its production. It produces both civil and military aircraft, satellites, space systems, guided weapons and components.

The most rapid growth in the chemical industry has been in pharmaceuticals, pesticides and cosmetics.

The service industries account for 66% of Britain’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 71% of employment. The banking services are responsible for about 20% of international bank lending and insurance.

The computing services include such areas of software development as data and word processing, telecommunication, defence and consumer electronics.

Trade has been a key part of British economy for centuries. Britain is the fifth largest trading nation. It exports oil and manufacturing goods such as electrical and electronic equipment, aerospace equipment, machinery and chemicals. Britain’s export earnings from services such as banking, computer services and tourism exceed those from exports of goods.

6. Прочитайте текст ще раз та спробуйте закінчити наступні речення з пам’яті.

1. Britain … oil and manufacturing goods to other countries.

2. The … industries … 66% of Britain’s Gross Domestic Product.

3. Britain’s economy is based on….

4. The country is ….. in energy.

5. Because of the climate, there are a lot of …. in the UK.

6. Trade has been a … of the British … for centuries.

7. British agriculture is known for its high … and ….

8. Britain’s export … from services exceed those from exports of goods.

9. One of the most perspective water energy technologies is….

10. A lot of immigrants from... British Asian and African … live in the UK.

7. Дайте відповіді на запитання щодо Великобританії. При необхідності користуйтесь наведеним вище текстом та додатковими джерелами.

1. Where is Great Britain situated?

2. What parts does it consist of?

3. Who lives in the UK?

4. What kind of climate does Great Britain have?

5. What mountains (rivers) are there in Great Britain?

5. Where does Britain get oil and gas from?

6. What are the most perspective energy technologies in Britain?

7. What three groups can the British industries be divided into?

8. What are the main branches of Britain’s industries?

9. What do the main branches of Britain’s industries produce?

10. What are the main products exported by Britain?

8. використовуючи відповіді на наведені вище питання, підготуйте розповідь про Об’єднане Королівство (100-150 слів). Користуйтесь додатковими джерелами.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 574 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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