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Exercise №8

При переводе таких предложений сказуемое, выраженное глаголами to see, post, enjoy ,как правило, переводится словами “отмечалось”, “произошло”, “наблюдалось”, а подлежащее английского предложения становится дополнением или обстоятельством места. Если за таким сказуемым идет дополнение в виде существительного, обозначающего “увеличение” или “уменьшение” чего-то, то в этом случае глагол опускается, а сказуемым становится это дополнение. В некоторых словосочетаниях глагол enjoy, post может переводиться словами “обладать”, “иметь”, “пользоваться”.

1. While the U.S. has managed to bounce back from its own savage recession in 2008-2009 and China continues to post still strong growth, Europe’s economies have been on a downward spiral – and there is little sign of any improvement in the near-term.

2. Perhaps the most dramatic decline among the eurozone’s members was seen in the Netherlands, whose economy shrank 1.1 percent on the previous quarter.

3. The wider 27-nation EU saw output rise 0.1 percent during the quarter, largely on the back of an Olympics-related boost in Britain.

4. While Europe and the U.S. have been mired in economic stagnation, Latin America has enjoyed a strong recovery, having for the most part sailed through the recession without lasting damage.

5. The sector, which accounts for about 10% of Japan’s total exports, saw a 22.1% slump from March 2010, as car manufacturers had to cut production and idle plants because of electricity shortfalls and supply chain disruption in the wake of the disaster.

6. Europe’s economy enjoyed its strongest growth last decade, powered by a resurgent Germany.

7. As America enjoyed the rewards of its vibrant “new economy”, Europe, it seemed, was saddled with a tired, old economy, incapable of change.

8. Canadian manufacturing shipments posted a surprisingly strong rebound in August, led by a surge in motor vehicles and parts following the end of the General Motors strike.



Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 281 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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