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Exercise №7

Причастия в функции союзов вводят условные, причинно-следственные и уступительные придаточные предложения. На русский язык они переводятся следующим образом: provided/providing, granted/granting ─ при условии, принимая во внимание; supposing, assuming ─если, допустим, предположим, что; seeing ─ поскольку, принимая во внимание, учитывая, ввиду того что

Причастия в функции предлогов стоят перед существительными и переводятся следующим образом: given ─ при наличии, учитывая, если учесть; failing ─ при отсутствии, в случае отсутствия, ввиду отсутствия, за неимением; regarding, considering, respecting ─ относительно; following ─ вслед за, после; barring ─ кроме, за исключением, исключая.

Given, failing, barring с относящимися к ним словам могут переводиться условным придаточным предложением.

1. It will take time for exports to recover to pre-earthquake levels given that supply-chain disruptions and electricity shortages are hampering efforts to restore production.

2. True, the 6% or 7% pace of last quarter probably won’t be repeated, but solid growth in the neighborhood of 4% for the next couple of quarters seems likely, especially given the powerful boost expected from the need to rebuild inventories.

3. However, given signs that manufacturing is on the road to recovery, interest rates have further to rise before they reach their peak.

4. “There is little reason to believe that this will change in the future provided that the fundamentals remain in place,” Prof Besly predicted.

5. The eurozone has managed to avoid returning to recession for the first time since the financial crisis following the collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers, mainly thanks to the strength of its largest economy, Germany.

6. Given that U.S. spending is picking up, import growth in the mid-single-digits seems highly likely.

7. Provided modest growth returns from the middle of next year, that should be sufficient for debt to start edging down from a peak of 127.6% of GDP.

8. The Italian oil company ENI first found gas in Mozambique in 2011, closely following a discovery by Anadarko Petroleum of the United States.

9. Further immediate cuts – even supposing they are practicable – would not produce an offsetting increase in private sector aggregate demand.

10. Consumers may dip into their savings a little to make up for the loss of the payroll tax cut, but barring a surge in house prices that makes them feel rich again the world’s largest economy is set to plod forward in 2013.

11. Barring hurricane strikes at oil refineries, US petrol markets normally hit a seasonal peak before summer begins.

12. Supposing the US plan ends up providing $200 billion, that would be roughly 1.5% of US GDP.

13. Investors were also energized by better data from the US, particularly regarding the housing.

14. These challenges are pushing local brands to alter their thinking regarding the need for development and technology support from international partners.


Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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