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Vocabulary List. jaundice (n) - желтуха bile - желчь biliary system - желчная система

jaundice (n) - желтуха bile - желчь biliary system - желчная система

staining (n) - окрашивание, окраска hemolytic (a) - гемолитический

invasion (n) - вторжение, внедрение protozoa (n) - простейшие

moderate (a) - умеренный, небольшой mucosa (n) (pl.- mucosae) -

retention - задержка слизистая оболочка

preponderance (n) - превосходство, degeneration (n) - дегенерация,

преобладание вырождение

diffuse (a) - распространенный partial (a) - неполный, частичный

excretion (n) - выделение, экскреция elevation (n) - подъем, повышение

urobilinogen - уробилиноген

Exercise 1. Translate the text "Jaundice" into Russian.

Exercise 2. Read the text "Jaundice" and answer the questions:

1. What kind of disease is jaundice?

2. What is the bilirubin level in jaundice?

3. What is the cause of hemolytic jaundice?

4. What are the symptoms of the disease?

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions in Russian and in English:

1. Does jaundice occur when there are no lesions of liver or biliary system?

2. Does the level of bilirubin in blood affect the intensity of jaundice?

3. What kind of jaundice is common in animals?

4. What is characteristic of hemolytic jaundice in severe cases?

5. What do clinic pathological findings indicate?

6. What is the cause of jaundice due to hepatic cell degeneration?

7. What is the increase of serum levels of total bilirubin caused by?

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 213 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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