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B. Gastritis. Gastro-enteritis

Chemical agents. A number of caustic and irritant poisons including arsenic, lead, copper, mercury, phosphorus and nitrate, causes gastro-enteritis. Excess production of lactic acid in the rumen after engorgement bit grain often leads to the development of acute rumenitis and subsequently gastro-enteritis.

Clinical findings in acute gastritis. When the inflammation is severe, pigs and sometimes horses and ruminants vomit. The vomitus contains much mucus, sometimes blood, and is small in amount, and vomiting is repeated with forceful retching movements. The appetite is always reduced, often absent, but thirst is usually excessive and pigs affected with gastro-enteritis may stand continually lapping water or even licking cool objects. The breath usually has a rank smell and there may be abdominal pain. Diarrhea is not marked unless there is accompanying enteritis but the faeces are usually pasty and soft. Additional signs are usually evident when gastritis is the part of a primary disease syndrome. Dehydration and alkalosis with tetany and rapid breathing may develop if vomiting excessive.

Chronic gastritis. Here the syndrome is much less severe. The appetite is depressed or depraved and vomiting occurs only sporadically, usually after feeding. The vomitus contains much viscid mucus. Abdominal pain is minor and dehydration is unlikely to occur but the animal becomes emaciated due to lack of food intake and incomplete digestion.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 296 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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