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B. Ketosis of Ruminants

(Bovine Ketosis; Acetonemia)

We know ketosis of dairy cattle to be prevalent in most countries where intensive farming is practiced. Veterinarians observe the disease to occur mainly in animals housed during the winter months. When one wants to assess the wastage due to the disease it appears difficult. However, its high incidence and known effects show that it is one of the major causes of loss.

The major biochemical manifestation of bovine ketosis is hypoglycemia. Two major forms of the disease are described, the wasting and the nervous forms.

The wasting type is manifested by a gradual but moderate decrease in appetite and milk yield over a period of 2 to 4 days, the cow loses weight rapidly, usually at a greater rate than one would expect from the decrease in appetite. In typical cases of the nervous form the signs begin quite suddenly. The syndrome is suggestive of delirium rather than of frenzy and the characteristic signs include walking in circles, straddling or crossing of the legs, head pushing or leaning into the stanchion, apparent blindness, aimless movements and wandering, vigorous licking of the skin and inanimate objects, deprived appetite and chewing movements with salivation. Moderate tremor and tetany may be present and the gait is usually staggery. The nervous signs usually occur in short episodes which last for 1 or 2 hours and may recur at intervals of about 8 to 12 hours. Affected cows may injure themselves during the nervous episodes.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 268 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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