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V. Working on the text

Task 1. Read and translate the text using the active vocabulary and the vocabulary of the previous lessons. Find in the text passive structures.

US Highway Transportation in 1960

By the end of September 1960 more than 23% of the 41,000 miles of the Federal System of Interstate and Defense Highways[14] had been opened for traffic. It constitutes a nationwide network of ultramodern expressways. Although the system will represent little more than 1% of the total road mileage of the United States, it is expected to bear about one fifth of the nation's highway traffic. The cost is estimated at $40 billion.

The major part of the system will be built under an arrangement by which the federal government pays 90% of the cost and the states pay only 10%.

The federal government's share of the cost of construction of federal-aid roads, including the Interstate System, comes out of the Highway Trust Fund[15], which consists of certain automotive tax receipts. The principal source of the money in the fund is the federal gasoline tax, which Congress had raised in 1956 from 2¢[16] to 3¢ per gallon. Because the Highway Trust Fund was threatened with a substantial deficit, Congress further increased the tax to 4¢ per gal. for the period from Oct. 1, 1959, through June 30, 1961.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-07; Прочитано: 262 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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