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Tell what sentences are true and what are false. 1) The applications of robots can be restricted to thirty categories

1) The applications of robots can be restricted to thirty categories. 2) Material-handling applications require the robot to move work parts from one to another. 3) Placing parts in an arrangement is a rather complex operation performed by robots. 4) As a rule it’s needless to design the gripper specifically for the particular part geometry. 5) Arc welding is a process in which a machine moves the welding rod along the welding seam. 6) The use of robots in assembly will decrease increase because of the excess of manual labour. 7) A robot can substitute human labour in almost all industrial applications.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) What do material-transfer applications require?

a) they require the robot to substitute human workers;

b) they require the robot to put the work parts on propper places;

c) they require the robot to move materials or work parts from one to another.

2) What do machine loading and unloading operations utilize a robot to do?

a) to transfer the work parts on propper places;

b) to load and unload parts;

c) to inspekt the quality of the work parts.

3) What does robot do in processing operations?

a) it positions a sensor;

b) it manipulates a tool;

c) it elevates heavy loads.

4) What is arc welding?

a) a process in which robot moves the welding rod along the welding seam;

b) a process in which robot covers the work parts with the paint spray;

c) a process in which robot performs grinding and polishing.

5) Why is the use of robots in assembly expected to increase?

a) because of increase of the number of robots in industry;

b) because of decrease of people in the world;

c) because of the high cost of manual labour.

3. Complete the sentences:

1) Most robots are used in …. 2) Material-handling is …. 3) Material-transfer requires …. 4) In processing operations robot manipulates …. 5) The use of robots in assembly is expected to …. 6) In a typical inspection job, the robot ….

4. Answer the questions:

1) What are the three applications of robots in manufacturing processes? 2) What is material-handling? 3) How does a robot perform processing operations? 4) How does a robot fulfill spot welding of automobile bodies? 5) How is arc welding performed by means of a robot? 6) What is spray painting? 7) What is an important aspect of robotic assembly? 8) What does the robot do in a typical inspection job? 9) What characteristics of industrial jobs performed by humans can be done by robots?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

· material handling

· processing operations

· assembly and inspection.

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 337 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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