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Traveller: Hello. I'd like some information about trains from Amsterdam to Paris, please.

Operator: Hold the line, please. I'll put you through to Inter­national Enquiries.

Clerk: International Enquiries. Can I help you?

Traveller: Yes. Can you tell me about trains from Amsterdam to Paris tomorrow?

Clerk: Certainly. What time would you like to leave?

Traveller: It doesn't really matter, but I have to be in Paris by 8.00 p.m.

Clerk: There's an express at 10.50, getting in at five past five.

Traveller: Hmm. I'dprefer to leave a bit later, I think.

Clerk: Well, the 12.26 arrives in Paris at 18.57, but you have

to change in Brussels.

Traveller: The time is better, but I'd really rather not change.

Is there a later train?

Clerk: There is, but you would still have to change.

Traveller: I see. In that case the 10.50 is probably the best. Can

I buy a ticket now? I've got a credit card.

1. Answer the questions. Discuss the reasons for your an­

1) Would you rather work in your country or abroad?

2) Would you prefer to be rich or famous?

3) Would you rather live alone or with your family?

4) Would you prefer to visit USA or Britain?

2. Use the prompts below to make similar dialogues.

Example: tea/coffee

A: Would you rather have tea or coffee? B: I'd prefer tea, please.

1) an afternoon departure / an evening departure

2) smoking / non-smoking

3) a window seat / an aisle seat

4) a rear-facing seat / a front-facing seat

5) first class / economy class

6) single-berth compartment / two-berth compartment

7) hot meals / light snacks and drinks

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 824 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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