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Talking points

1. What's your opinion about holidays in Great Britain.

Draw a parallel between holiday-making in Great Brit­ain and in this country. What makes them alike and dif­ferent?

2. Are you satisfied with the holidays you've just had?

3. Give your friends advice where and how to spend sum­mer or winter holidays.

4. What choice will they make? The local trade-union committee offers passes to a) a sport centre on the Bal­tic Sea coast; b) a tourist centre in Karelia; c) a holiday home not far from Nizhny Novgorod.

1. Alex was seriously ill in spring and got very tired dur­ing the exams. 2. Pete is crazy about swimming. 3. Sam cares for having a different kind of holiday.

5. Speak about the weekend plans of the following peo­ple:

a) a married couple with children;

b) a woman who goes to work;

c) a student living away from home;

d) a football fan;

e) a breakfast-in-bed and Sunday paper enthusiast.

To express your opinion use the following:

Inmy opinion... To my mind,...

I believe... If you ask me...

I should say... I reckon...

6. Comment on the proverbs:

a) East or West, home is best.

b) One cannot be in two places at once.

c) By the street of "By and by" one arrives at the house of


Give examples from your life experience or from literature to prove the proverb

Unit 2. Making Travel Arrangements

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 869 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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