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TEXT WORK. 1. Phonetic Drill. Transcribe and pronounce correctly:

1. Phonetic Drill. Transcribe and pronounce correctly:

Reliable, entertainment, majority, resort, pier, hitch-hiking, accommodation, spectacularly, to climb, chalet.

2. Find English equivalents in the text:

He стоит тратить деньги на отпуск в Британии; турагент организовывает перелет, размещение, питание и развлечения; карманные деньги; большинство людей; сидеть на переполненных пляжах; в Брайтоне есть знаменитый пирс; путешествие автостопом; под открытым небом; специальный персонал присматривает за детьми; удостоился звания рыцаря за заслуги перед страной.

3. Give synonyms to the following words:

Holiday, popular, small, amusement, chalet, to arrange.

Study the synonyms:

to travel — a) to go from place to place, e.g. to travel round the
b) to pass, go or move through (a place or distance),
e.g.: How fast does light travel?
to travel light — to travel without much luggage.

travel n — the act of travelling, a general word for going from one place to another. The nouns travel and travels usually suggest travelling for long distances and long periods of time, e.g.: He came home after years of foreign travel.

Compare the synonyms:

journey n — the distance covered and the time spent in going from one place to another, e.g.: I go to work by train and the journey takes 50 minutes.

voyage n — is similar, but is used mainly of sea journeys (or sometimes journeys in space), e.g.: I've never made a sea-voyage.

flight n — a journey by plane, e.g.: Take some books to read on the flight.

cruise я — a sea-voyage for pleasure, e.g.: I'd love to go on a cruise.

trip я — a short journey from one place to another, e.g.: Did you enjoy your day trip to the country?

tour я — a) a journey during which several places are visited, e.g. a tour round Europe; b) a short trip to or through a place, e.g.: We went on a guided tour round the castle.

hitch-hiking n — travelling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides, e.g.: Hitch-hiking is a new way of travelling which gives one a chance to see much without spending anything.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1313 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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