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Ex.21. Translate into English

Вдвічі більше, втричі менше, вп'ятеро важче, вдвічі старше, вчетверо довше, вполовину коротше.

Ex.22. Complete the sentences using the comparative constructions -er and -er/more and more... and the + comparative …, the + comparative …........................................................

1. As I was waiting for my interview, I was getting ________ (nervous).

2. Do you want a big house? - Yes, ________ (big), ________ (good).

3. It's ________ (hard) to find time for everything you'd like to do.

4. ________ (far) he was telling the story, ________ (much) we laughed.

5. ________ (dangerous) it is, ________ (much) I like it.

6. The grammatical topics are ________ (hard). I'm afraid I'll fail in the test.

7. ________ (much) I get to know you, ________ (little) I understand you.

8. We were getting tired and were walking ________ (slowly).

9. ________ (old) he gets, ________ (forgetful) he becomes.

10. My list of things to do gets________ (long).

Ex.23. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Chinese food is the nicer than Indian I think.

2. It's a school for the deaf people.

3. Everyone seemed very nervously.

4. You aren't enough tall to play basketball.

5. Our house is so big as yours.

6. She spoke to us friendly.

7. I like your leather new nice jacket.

8. The trip was far much longer than we had expected.

9. I felt happyer in my previous job.

10. I tried hardly but I didn't succeed.

11. The afraid child was crying for his mother.

12. Let me know if you need any farther help.

13. It’s the more delicious dish I’ve ever tasted.

14. A new car is twice expensive as a second-hand one.

15. It was enough late to start a new project.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 599 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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