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Ex.3. Form adjectives with corresponding suffixes and prefixes


1. I am attracted by this plan. I find it very attractive.

2. She is always full of energy. She is tremendously __________.

3. His sense of humour is well-known. We often laugh at his __________ stories.

4. I was persuaded by the logic of his argument. It seemed to be the most __________ thing to do in that situation.

5. You behave as a child. Stop doing such __________ things.

6. She is determined to put her new ideas into practice. She wants to check their __________ application.

7. The building is in danger of collapsing. It’s __________ to stay here.

8. I felt like among friends there: everybody was so __________ towards me.

9. His last book made a great impression on me. Actually, it was one of the most __________ novels of that time.

10. Moving house put a severe strain on our finances; we were facing certain __________ difficulties.


1. I don’t think he is honest in this matter. I suspect he’s quite dishonest.

2. Do you think it is possible in this situation? I would say it is next to ________.

3. The government’s policy is oriented towards integrating with Europe. It is a __________ policy.

4. What they are doing in business is not quite legal. Some people would regard it as __________.

5. The rally was directed against the war in the Middle East. It was an __________ rally.

6. He has no morals, that man! His behaviour is absolutely __________.

7. The company is too confident that they will win the case. With such a strong competitor, they shouldn’t be so __________.

8. Your plan isn’t very practical. Some aspects seem extremely __________.

9. This event dates from before the Second World War. It happened in the __________ years.

10. He doesn’t seem very certain in what he is doing. His replies to most questions concerning his intentions are very __________.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 642 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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