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Ex.12. Choose the correct variant of pronouns in the following sentences

1. The children are old enough to look after (them/themselves).

2. The road is closed: (it/there) has been an accident.

3. He’s faster than (I/me) but I’m stronger than (he/him) is.

4. (One is/They are) building a new sport centre not far from my house.

5. (It/There) appears that he has been promoted: he has just moved into a bigger office.

6. (They/you) say it’s going to be a warmer winter than the one we had last year.

7. Where is Tom? – That’s (he/him) over there. Look, he’s waving at us.

8. Hasn’t Mary come yet? It’s not like (she/her) to be late.

9. I hate horror films. – (I/Me) too. I can’t understand what people find in them.

10. Stop shouting at (me/myself)! Just do something (you/yourself)!

Ex.13. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Do you know who heads the marketing department? – This is Peter Blake.

2. The police arrested the robber and put in prison.

3. If you are not busy, it’s something I want to tell you.

4. Michael looked behind himself when he heard footsteps.

5. The president he has a team of bodyguards to protect him.

6. Tom dressed himself quickly and went down to breakfast.

7. There has been some time since I wrote to you as I’ve been busy lately.

8. Who spilt coffee all over my papers? – Sorry, it was I.

9. Which house is yours? – There is the one at the end of the street.

10. Peter and Kate enjoyed themself at the party.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 957 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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