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Task 1.26

Guess the name of the crossword. Put the words in the crossword and it`ll be easily to guess the first word across - it's the name of the crossword:



1. Trained lawyer, who rules on the points of law and passes sentence in a law court.

5. Act of deceiving somebody illegally in order to make money or to obtain goods.

6. Unlawfully hitting somebody or touching him or his clothes threateningly.

7. Any social harm that the law defines and makes punishable.

8. A criminal act of setting fire to property.

9. A legal action to be decided in a law court.

10. One of the most important categories of crime at common law.

11. Place, where legal cases are held and tried.


1. Proper administration of laws.

2. A person, who steals from pockets or bags.

3. Unlawful killing of a human being intentionally.

4. Being free from guilt or sin.

Task 1.27. Explain the meanings of the following key law terms of Unit I:

a) crime;

b) offence;

c) felony;

d) criminal law;

e) misdemeanor;

f) summary offences;

g) indictable offences;

h) infraction;

i) murder;

j) theft;

k) smuggling;

l) terrorism;

m) violence.

Task 1.28. Speak on the following topics of the Unit using the above-mentioned key terms in your oral presentation:

a) The Concept of Crime;

b) Classification of Crimes.

Task 1.29. Comment on the following quotation:

Those who live by committing violence (crime) must expect violence (crime) to be turned upon themselves.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 406 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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