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Task 1.23. Anagram. Read the definitions and put the letters in order to make 11 words that correspond to people committed the following actions

The first anagram is done as an example: an accomplice is a person who helps another person perform a criminal act.

1. Criminal's assistant _____ ACCOMPLICE _________________ ACCCEILMOP

2. A person who betrays his/her country to another state_____________ ROTATIR

3. A person who steals something from a person or place, especially by violence or threat ______________________________________________ BOBERR

4. A person who sets fire to property illegally________________ NARSISTO

5. A person who makes false money or signatures _____________ GERROF

6. A person who buys and sells drugs illegally _____________ DURG DALEER

7. Someone who brings goods into a country illegally without paying tax _____________________________________ MUGGRELS

8. Someone who takes away people by force and demands money for their return______________________________________ NAPPERKID

9. A person who takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change course_________________________________________ JACKHIER

10. A person who gets secret information from another country ________ SYP

11. A person who uses violence for political reasons _______________ SIRRROTTE

Task 1.24. Read ten statements by defendants and say what crime each one has been accused of. The list of the crimes in the box may help you to match the crimes to their definitions:

smuggling • espionage • blackmail • forgery • murder • embezzlement or fraud • piracy • bigamy • burglary • bribery •

1. "I arrived home late and found that I'd forgotten my keys. I didn't want to wake my wife up, and I saw there was a ladder in the garden of the house next door. I got the ladder and climbed in. We've just moved house and I didn't realize I was in the wrong street..."

2. "I was walking my dog when I saw the gun lying on the ground. I picked it up - it was still warm – and at that moment I saw the body lying in the long grass. I went across to look and it was my business partner. That's when the police arrived..."

3. "I opened the bank account in a false name as a way to help my employer pay less tax - it's perfectly legal. I kept meaning to tell him, but somehow I just forgot. I bought the villa in France with my own money. It was an inheritance..."

4. "OK, so there are 123 copies of the video. That's perfectly true, but I had no intention of selling them. I'm a collector."

5. "Well this obviously isn't my suitcase. I've never seen these things before in my life. The monogram? Well, they are my initials, but that must be a coincidence. That's probably how the two cases got mixed up. After all, JA aren't very unusual initials. A photograph with me in it? My word, that's incredible! It must be someone who knows me..."

6. "I didn't know my wife was still alive, I thought she'd died in a car accident. I couldn't believe it when I saw her walk into the room. Surely you don't think I married you just to get your money...?"

7. "You misunderstand me. When I offered him the money I meant it as a gift. I know that life can be difficult for a young man on a police salary, especially if he has a family, young children etcetera. It isn't easy and I know that. I just wanted to help. I didn't expect him to do anything in return..."

8. "After leaving the office I realized I'd forgotten my umbrella. I went back in to get it. When I went in I noticed that the photocopier was still turned on. It had been working very badly all day, and I decided to quickly see what was wrong with it before going home. I made a few test copies of documents that were in the office;. I didn't even look at what I was copying. The machine seemed to be working much better. I put the copies in my briefcase — intending to use the other side as notepaper. I don't believe in wasting paper. At that moment Mr Sanders came out of his office..."

9. "I painted them for pleasure. I had no intention of deceiving people. I never said they were by other people. Yes, I did include the signatures of other artists but that's because I wanted them to be perfect copies..."

10. "Mr Wills sent me the money to help me in my business venture — I'm trying to start a design agency. He sent me cheques every month for $1200. A couple of times he sent extra when I had special expenses. It was always understood that he would participate in the profits of the business when it was running. We didn't write anything down, it was an oral agreement. The photographs I have of him with his secretary have no connection with these payments."

Task 1.25. Work in groups. Tell your pros and cons of the following statements:

There is general agreement that …

1. Firearms play a major role in the commission of crime.

2. Legalized selling of firearms ensures security.

3. Viewing violent TV and films and listening to sexually explicit music incites young people to commit violate crimes.

4. Crime rates are linked to time and place. (e.g. Crime rates are higher in summer; urban areas as well as resort areas also affect crime rates).

5. Crime is usually considered a lower-class phenomenon.

6. Younger people are today committing greater numbers of the most violent crimes than adults.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1200 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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