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BLOCK 2. 13. In case of _____ of the quality of the goods actually delivered by Sellers with the contract specification

forthcoming; claim; to carry out; pro rata; to substitute; to consider; to reject; lay time; to commence; non-conformity; to cancel; master; to discontinue; to regard; demurrage; notice of readiness; capacity

13. In case of _____ of the quality of the goods actually delivered by Sellers with the contract specification, any _____ for the quality of the goods may be made within 2 months of the date of delivery.

14. No claim presented for one lot of the goods shall _____ by Buyers as a reason for _____ any other lot or lots of the goods to be delivered under the present contract.

15. Lay time _____ 6 hours after such notice of readiness is handed in by the Master, berth or no berth.

16. The time during which discharging operations could not _____ owing to technical and other conditions depending on the tanker is not to be included in the _____.

17. If the above circumstances last over 20 days, any delivery or deliveries which are to be made under the contract within that period may _____ on the declaration of any of the parties.

18. The Master is to advise Buyers or their Agents of the _____ arrival of the tanker at the port of discharge 4 days before her arrival.

19. Sellers are to inform Buyers not later than 5 days before the starting of loading of the name and _____ of the tanker, the date and port of shipment of the goods.

20. No claim shall _____ by Sellers upon expiration of the above period.

21. In such cases each party shall have the right _____ any further fulfilment of their obligations under the contract in whole.

22. _____ is to be paid at the rate stipulated in the Charter Party per day and _____ for any part of the running day.

23. Sellers have the right _____ one tanker for another informing Buyers thereof.

24. The _____ is to give Buyers’ representative at this port a written _____ of the tanker for discharge.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 347 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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