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Ex.4. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary. 1. _____ fact that we are _____ largest suppliers of _____ woolen sweaters in this country is in itself _____ evidence of _____ good value of our products

1. _____ fact that we are _____ largest suppliers of _____ woolen sweaters in this country is in itself _____ evidence of _____ good value of our products.

2. _____ large number of _____ repeat orders we regularly receive from _____ leading distributors and dress manufacturers is _____ clear evidence of _____ widespread popularity of this brand.

3. If you decide to place _____ order we can meet it within _____ week.

4. _____ fashions constantly change and in _____ recent years _____ demand for _____ watered silks has fallen to such _____ extent that we no longer produce them.

5. All _____ items ordered are in _____ stock except for Cushion Covers in _____ strawberry pink.

6. _____ prices quoted in our letter of August 15 leave us with only _____ smallest of _____ margins.

7. At _____ low price of only $8 per metre, this rayon is much cheaper than _____ silk and its appearance is just as attractive.

8. As you state that _____ delivery of all items is _____ matter of urgency, we have substituted _____ Cushion Covers in _____ fuchsia pink, identical in _____ design and quality with those ordered.

9. We also manufacture _____ other textiles in which you may be interested and are sending _____ complete range of _____ patterns by _____ separate post.

10. They are in _____ fact lower than those of our competitors for _____ goods of _____ similar quality.

11. This is _____ finely woven, hard-wearing, non-creasable material with _____ most attractive lustre.

12. _____ wool used in _____ manufacture of our Thermaline range undergoes _____ special process which prevents _____ shrinkage and increases _____ durability.

Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions/ particles where necessary.

1. We hope you will give further thought _____ this matter, but if you then still feel you cannot accept our offer we hope it will not prevent you _____ contacting us _____ some future occasion.

2. Our own order will not be filled _____ the beginning _____ November.

3. We are sorry not to be able to meet your present order immediately, but hope to hear _____ you soon that delivery _____ the beginning _____ the next month will not inconvenience _____ you unduly.

4. Fashions constantly change and _____ recent years the demand _____ watered silks has fallen _____ such an extent that we no longer produce them.

5. _____ the circumstances I hope you will manage to meet your requirements _____ other source.

6. Stocks _____ these have been sold _____ _____ our quotation, and the manufacturers inform us that it will be another 4 weeks _____ they can send replacements.

7. We regret _____ this action, but you should know that we have to as our customers insist _____ delivery _____ the due time.

8. The wool used _____ the manufacture _____ our Thermaline range undergoes a special process which prevents shrinkage and increases durability.

9. The manufacturers have, however, promised us a further supply _____ the end _____ this month and if you could wait until then we would fulfil your order promptly.

10. Unfortunately we regret that we are _____ present _____ _____ stock _____ the model you ordered.

11. We have to inform you, however, that _____ _____ non-delivery _____ essential components we shall be unable to meet the deadline stipulated _____ delivery.

12. The prices quoted _____ our letter _____ August 15 leave us _____ only the smallest _____ margins.

13. The fact that we are the largest suppliers _____ woolen sweaters _____ this country is _____ itself evidence _____ the good value _____ our products.

14. The manufacturing plant cannot keep pace _____ the increasing demand _____ this popular type _____ printers.

15. The large number _____ repeat orders we regularly receive _____ leading distributors and dress manufacturers is clear evidence _____ the widespread popularity _____ this brand.

16. Thank you _____ your Order No.234 _____ video equipment which is now being processed.

17. _____ the low price _____ only $8 per metre, this rayon is much cheaper than silk and its appearance is just as attractive.

18. We have carefully considered your counter-proposal _____ August 23, 20… _____ our offer _____ woolen sweaters, but regret that we cannot accept it.

19. All these are selling very well _____ many countries and can be supplied _____ stock.

20. They are _____ fact lower than those _____ our competitors _____ goods _____ similar quality.

21. We also manufacture other textiles _____ which you may be interested in and are sending a complete range _____ patterns _____ separate post.

22. We placed an order _____ 500 units two weeks ago but were informed that all orders were being filled _____ strict rotation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 455 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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