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Choose the only correct answer. Use the Complex Object and Complex Subject

1. During the winter, the Bahamas would like … large numbers of tourists who spend money for hotel accommodation, meals, taxis, and so on.

(A) attract (C) to attract

(B) attracted (D) to be attracted

2. Tourism is known … another form of invisible trade.

(A) be (C) to have been

(B) being (D) to be

3. The railroads of the United States and South America are said … by British capital.

(A) to have been build (C) have been built

(B) to have been built (D) to have been building

4. Peter made Christopher Thorn … to the Moorland Valley and … his opinion of the damage.

(A) to go up … give (C) has gone … has given

(B) go up … give (D) go up …gives

5. The Managing Director ordered … without further delay.

(A) to type the letter (C) the letter to be typed

(B) the letter being typed (D) the letter be typed

6. Mr. Morgan was made … that their firm had put “Harper & Grant Ltd “ in a nice mess.

(A) to understand (C) to have understood

(B) understand (D) have understood

7. Have you heard the secretary … our partners?

(A) to phone (C) have phoned

(B) phone (D) phoned

8. Mr. Grant was heard … the way he had managed to salvage the lot of office furniture.

(A) explain (C) explaining

(B) be explaining (D) to have been explaining

9. The goods are reported … since early morning.

(A) to have been examined (C) to be examined

(B) to have been examining (D) to be examining

10 Everybody heard his name … during the negotiations.

(A) to be mentioned (C) be mentioned

(B) mentioned (D) to have been mentioned

11. She seems … the letter already. She looks happy.

(A) to have been reading (C) to have read

(B) to be reading (D) to read

12. Hector Grant was heard … William Buckhurst to discuss the vital problems concerning the missing lorry full of office furniture.

(A) summon (C) to summon

(B) to have summoned (D) have summoned

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 662 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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