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Young Person’s Railcard

If you are aged 16-25 use a Young Persons Railcard and you save 1/3 on most rail fares throughout Great Britain for an entire year.

Also, all full-time students aged 26 or above may buy one. (In this instance, a "full-time student" is considered to be a person who studies at a "recognised educational establishment" for at least 15 hours per week and 20 weeks per year, or a person who holds an International Student Identity Card.)

The standard discount on the full adult fare is 34%, to the nearest £0.05 but not all ticket types qualify for a discount.

No discounts are available for accompanying children. In addition, when travelling within the former Network Southeast area in southeast England, a minimum fare of £8.00 for a single ticket and £16.00 for a return applies during peak hours. During July and August the minimum fare does not apply, however. Tickets issued at the minimum fare bear the wording MIN.

There are plenty of ways you can use a Young Persons Railcard, for both long and short trips. Better still you can use it anytime on weekends, Public Holidays and during the week. The only restriction is that if you travel at or before 10am Monday to Friday a minimum fare will apply (although this doesn't’t apply during July and August). So wherever you're going, you can spend less on getting there. And more on enjoying yourself while you're there.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 406 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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