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Commuting to Work

Many people in Britain live a long way from their work. They often travel by train from the suburbs into the city centre to work. These people are called commuters. Some people travel more than 200 miles every day and spend up to two hours going to work and two hours going home. Train tickets may appear to be expensive (£ 2,500 a year for an annual season ticket from Brighton to London), but this form of transport is a fast and environmentally friendly alternative to using a car.

On some trains, there are study clubs which offer language lessons to commuters on their way to and from work. People who don’t drive to work are able to read a newspaper or a book. Some commuters even get out their laptop computers and do their work. When you drive there is no possibility to do so but at the same time commuting can be rather stressful today.

XVII. Listen to the monologue offered by Nick from Career Journey site about

negative effects of commuting (see Appendix on page 30) and answer the questions on the topic.

Commuting to Work, a long commute can have significant impact on your life:

1. What are the negative effects of commuting, presented by the speaker?

2. How can contemporary people avoid commuting to jobs?

3. Why are people advised to avoid commuting to work?


Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 588 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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