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UNIT 7 Ecology is a Priority

Exercise 1. Before reading the text memorize words and word combinations.

Dangerous - небезпечний

Threaten - погрожувати

gradual - послідовний, поступовий

Arid - сухий, посушливий

Melt - танути

capital investment - капіталовкладення

Purify - очищати

drug - ліки, медикаменти

vulnerability - уразливість

Impede - затримувати

generation - покоління, потомство

self-regenerating capacity - саморегуляція

Ozone screen - озоновий шар

Mutagenic - мутагенний

natural radiation - природня радіація (опромінення)

Background - фон, фоновий

rad - яд. физ. рад (0,01 дж/кг)

Exercise 2. Read the international words and give their meanings. Pay attention to the parts of speech.

Ecology n, dominant a, ecosystem n, catastrophic a. anthropogenic a, cycle n, accumulation n, aerosol n, planet n, balance n. stratosphere n, ultraviolet a, immune a, ionizing a, pathological a, defect n, genetically adv, chronic a, degeneration n.

Exercise 3. Give adjectives of the following adverbs. Translate them.

Genetically, closely, increasingly, possibly, approximately.

Exercise 4. Give the verbs of which the following nouns and adjectives are formed. Translate them.

Substantial, productivity, investment, unsuitable, hereditary, calculation, relation, threatening, application, comparison, accumulation, unfavourable.

Exercise 5. Translate the following words paying attention to the meanings of the suffixes and prefixes. Define what part of speech these derivatives belong to. Memorize the words.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 414 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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