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Exercise 4. Give the verbs of which the following nouns and adjectives are formed. Translate them

Relation, non-renewable, protection, relationship, pollutant, conservation, improvement, restoration, formulation, optimization, cooperation, improvement, preservation, transformation, contribution.

Exercise 5. Translate the following words paying attention to the meanings of the suffixes and prefixes. Define what part of speech these derivatives belong to. Memorize the words.

A) to destroy - without destroying - destruction - destructive - destructively - undestroyable;

B) (will) contribute - by contributing - when contributing - contribution;

A) (can) provide - by providing - while providing - provision;

B) to weigh - weighing - its weight - weightless - weighdessness - weighty;

C) to depend - depending - dependence - independence - dependent - independent - independently;

Must) support - by supporting - their support - unsupported;

G) realize - realization - realizable;

H) simple - simply - simplicity - simplify - simplification;

I) to vary - variation - variety - various - variable.

Exercise 6. Match the synonyms:

Protection 1. understand

Harmful 2. impact

Essential 3. complicated

Present a 4. effect

Realize 5. enormous

Exploration 6. explain

Influence n 7. decade

Tremendous 8. regard

Complex a 9. clean

Consider 10. conservation

Interpret 11. research

Ten years 12. adverse

Result 13. necessary

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 390 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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