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Exercise 12. In pairs, discuss your studies at the Customs Academy. Use the prompts

Card 1. Speak with your partner about the Customs Academy.

First-year students; Rostov Branch; to be founded in June 30, 1995; higher educational institution; to train specialists in Customs Business; opportunities for mastering vocational training programmes; Customs Business Department (Faculty); Economics Department; Law Department.

Card 2. Speak with your partner about the research work at the Customs Academy.

To master Customs profile; development of practical skills; fundamental applied mathematics; information technologies; professional use of personal computers; problems of the Customs policy of Russia; Customs Business; Economics and Law; scientific research; problems of Customs; perfection of Customs education.

Card 3. Speak with your partner about students’ scientific work.

Students’ conferences; cooperation; scientific centres; Branches (Moscow, Vladivostok, St.-Petersburg); to be proud of; the right way in life; to become skilled specialists; to contribute to the development of Russia.

Card 4. Speak with your partner about the subjects students study at the Customs Academy.

A lot of knowledge, many subjects; Law; Computers; Customs Control of Transported Goods; Activity of Law Enforcement Agencies; Physical Training; Foreign Languages (English, German); the most wide-spread language; border points; communicate with different people.

Card 5. Speak with your partner about sports and social life at the Academy.

Physical Culture (Training) Department; to take care of; mind, body and soul; sports competitions; to enjoy oneself; different festivals; moments of joy; happiness; pleasure to other people; active; enthusiastic; clubs; dancing; singing; musical parties.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 406 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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