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IV. a) Learn the ways of translating Participle I and II in the function of an attribute and an adverbial modifier

1. Scientists investigating (изучающие Participle I) the issue will take part in the conference.

2. Investigating (изучая Participle I)) the phenomenon, the scientists realized its complexity.

3. The results of the issue investigated (изученной, Participle II) by the scientists will be introduced at the conference.

b) Use the proper participle.

1. Carbon sixty is a group of tightly (connect) ____________ carbon atoms that forms a ball. 2. Scientists believe that some day nanotubes could replace the carbon graphite now (use) ___________ to make airplane parts. 3. Soon nano-materials could be used to improve devices that reduce pollution (release) __________ by cars. 4. Mister Moore would go on to help start the company Intel, one of the world’s (lead)_____________ computer chip makers. 5. And Moore’s law is one of the most (talk) ____________ about scientific barriers. 6. In 1971 Intel created a computer chip (contain)_____________ two thousand three hundred transistors. 7. In 2002 IBM announced that it had created the world’s smallest transistor (base) _____________ on the element silicon. 8. They said the smallest transistor currently (use) _______________ in a computer is ninety nanometres. 9. Scientists and environmental activists worry that nano-materials could pass in to the air and water (cause) ______________ health problems.10. The EPA recognizes that this could mean that there are unknown health risks (involve) _______________in nanotechnology.11. The American government is expected to spend about 39 million dollars on research (mean)______________to investigate the health risks of nano-materials.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 432 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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