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IV. a) Form the nouns using proper suffixes

To invent, to identify, to restore, blind, to transmit, to transform, to create, to construct, to operate, to communicate, to recognize.

b) Translate the words with prefix fore-.

Foresee, forearm, forego, foreknow, foretell, foretaste, forefather, foremost.

V. Fill in the gaps with the proper verb from the table below.

To stun to expand to restore to recognize to create

1. The operation … his sight. 2. The government plans to … more jobs for young people. 3. They were … by the news. 4. We have … the business by opening two more shops. 5. I... him as soon as he came into the room.

VI. Match the words in A-column with the words in B-column.


1) Serendipitous a) cars

2) Little-known b) impact

3) Academic c) inventions

4) Autonomous d) voice

5) Permanent e) scientists

6) New f) institutions

7) Human g) generation

VII. Restore the word order in the following sentences.

1. Try / scientists / to expand / knowledge / the frontiers / of human. 2. This / independently / invention / will help / the blind / to walk. 3. Are developing / autonomous / inventors / and / cars / helicopters. 4. The help / is / it / computer / possible / to recognize / with / human voice / of?

VIII. Practice the reading of the following words:

Breakthrough, to revolutionise, scientist, engineer, frontier, via, machine, autonomous, helicopter, physician, surgeon, microchip, retina, to allow, to dial.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 583 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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