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Vocabulary. to affect оказывать влияние

to relate to относиться к ч-л.

peer сверстник

adult взрослый

overwhelming неодолимый

breakdown разрыв

to affect оказывать влияние

drug наркотик

pregnancy беременность

delinquency преступление

complex сложный

citizen гражданин

to drop out of бросать, уходить

to neglect- пренебрегать, пропускать занятия

ample обильный

to rebel восставать

survey исследование, опрос

barbiturate барбитурат

overdose передозировка

grown-up взрослый

curiosity- любопытство

deprived лишенный, бедный

adoption усыновление

unemployed безработный

puberty половая зрелость

anorexia nervosa анорексия

bulimia nervosa булимия

promiscuity беспорядочность

juvenile юношеский

VI. Find synonyms for the words in the frame:

Complex to neglect adult to rebel Juvenile survey to drop out Curiosity ample affect

To disobey, abundant, interest, young, difficult, to disdain, to leave, enquiry, grown-up, influence.

VII. Match the words and their definitions:

To drop out, barbiturate, overdose, deprived, unemployed, anorexia, bulimia, peer, adult, to affect, pregnancy.

1. A powerful drug that makes you feel calm and relaxed or puts you to sleep.

2. Too much of a drug taken at one time.

3. To leave school, college without finishing your studies.

4. Without a job although able to work.

5. An emotional disorder leading to dangerous weight loss.

6. Without enough food, education and all the things that are necessary for people to live a happy and comfortable life.

7. An emotional disorder in which a person repeatedly eats too much and then forces himself/herself to vomit.

8. A person who is the same age as you.

9. To produce a change in smb. /smth.

10. A fully grown person who is legally responsible for their actions.

11. The state of being pregnant.

VIII. Insert the words in the gaps:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 451 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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