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XXI. Comprehension check. Choose the best alternative according to the text;

1. Orthodox Christians celebrate "Kalyady"

a) from December, 25 to January, 6;

b) from January, 1 to January, 7;

c) from January, 7 to January, 19.

2. People consider that "Kalyady " is

a) a dull holiday and never celebrate it;

b) is a holiday for small children only;

c) a merry holiday and celebrate it with pleasure.

3. During "Kalyady", groups of merry young boys and girls

a) organize rock music concerts in Belarusian villages and towns;

b) go carol-singing in Belarusian villages and towns;

c) make snowmen in Belarusian villages and towns.

4. Each of the carol-singers

a) has a present for passers-by;

b) suggests his project of this holiday;

c) plays a part according to his personality.

5. Amateur actors

a) are disguised or wear masks;

b) treat hosts and hostesses to delicious thing;

c) cook "Kuttzya" and treat passers-by to it.

6. Amateur musicians

a) play the accordion or beat the tambourine;

b) thank hosts and hostesses for carol-singing;

c) teach passers-by to play the accordion.

7. The host and the hostess usually treat "Ka/yadovschchiki"

a) with suspicion;

b) to tasty things;

c) as if they were mad.

8. Three ritual suppers are prepared in every Belarusian home

a) during "Kalyady";

b) on the New Year Eve;

c) on Christmas Eve.

9. Our ancestors were convinced that "Kuttzya " was sacred food which

a) could protect people from the evil eye;

b) was necessary for people to live long;

c) was blessed food.

10. So "Kuttzya" was

a)asymbol of rich life;

b) served in the morning;

c) a symbol of everlasting life.

11. On "Kalyady" Belarusians

a) never celebrate weddings because of the superstitions;

b) like to entertain themselves and celebrate weddings;

c) like to stay at home and cook "Kuttzya" every evening.

12. The pagan holiday of "Kalyady " coincided later with

a) Christmas;

b) Epiphany;

c) New Year.

13. The main purpose of "Kalyady" is

a) to organize the processions of "Kalyadovschchiki";

b) to do away with bad things and to start a new period of life cheerfully;

c) to demonstrate national Belarusian traditions to people all over the world.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 613 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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