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Partner Interview

Let’s see what your partner’s dietary concerns are at the moment— if he or she has any. Fill out this chart. Write down your partner’s answers. We are interested in food and drink, health and exercise. So “Things you are trying to avoid or cut down on” might involve smoking, drinking too much coffee, eating too much in general, and eating candy. You get the idea. Afterwards, you may be asked to share your partners’ current health concerns with the class.

Things you are trying to avoid or cut down on      
Things you are trying to eat/drink/do more of (e.g., because you hear it is good for the health)      
Things you should eat/drink less of, but you can’t stop because you love them too much  

14. Listen to the text “Girls Drink More Soda Than Milk”, fill in the gaps:

1. Ten years’ study analyzed the drinking habits of more than … girls between ages ….

a) 2300 … 9 and 20

b) 2300 … 9 and 19

c) 230... 9 and 11

d) 2400 … 9 and 19.

2. When the study began … was the most popular drink.

a) soda

b) tea

c) milk

d) coffee

3. The reason they order soda more often is that the drink is … where the average teenagers go.

a) more available

b) cheaper

c) more popular

d) absent

4. At food-fast restaurant milk is ….

a) more expensive

b) less popular

c) not offered

d) forbidden

5. Dieticians think soda is a … habit.

a) good

b) bad

c) normal health

d) bad health

6. The Dietary Guidelines of America recommends … a day

a) two cups of milk

b) four cups of milk

c) three cups of milk

d) two cups of soda

15. Read the text and answer the question: “What are advantages of whole plant food diet?”

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 577 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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