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III. Oral topic VII

Isokinetic exercise is described as movement that occurs at a constant angular velocity with accommodating resistance. Force can be best described as a push or pull produced by the action of one object on another. Torque is defined as the moment of force applied during rotational motion. Work is defined as force multiplied by displacement. Work is measured as the area under the torque curve. Power is defined as the rate of performing work. The sports therapist needs to be consistent with isokinetic testing from one session to another.
Speed and position of the athlete should remain the same. The athlete may need a practice session before isokinetic testing to be familiarized to the testing sequence and the isokinetic dynamometer. Peak/average torque ratios, agonist/antagonist ratios, and eccentric/concentric ratios are commonly used to evaluate the results of isokinetic testing. The sports therapist needs to evaluate the shape of the torque curve for consistent abnormalities. A rehabilitation program should be designed to correct specific deficits that are identified. The force-velocity curve should be the basis for designing specific isokinetic training programs.

3. 1. Listen to the text of the oral topic “Isokinetics in Rehabilitation”.

3.2. Read and translate the text.

3.3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Whatkind of movement can isokinetic exercise be described? 2. What is

force here? 3. How is torque defined? 4. What is work here? 5. How is work measured? 6. What is defined as the rate of performing work? 7. What principles should a sports therapist follow while isokinetic testing the athlete? 8. What parameters are used to evaluate the results of isokinetic testing? 9. What can be an evidence of consistent abnormalities? 10. What should be the basis for designing specific isokinetic programs to correct specific deficits?

3.4. Find English equivalents for the following.

происходить, постоянная угловая скорость, с приложенным усилием,

сила, толчок/напряжение, усилие/тяга, вращающий момент, вращательное дви-жение, умноженный на, перемещение/производительность, измеряться, дуга / кривая линия, пространство/площадь, мощность, темп/скорость, выполняемая работа, постоянный/последовательный, сохраняться, тот же самый, практическое занятие, изокинетическое тестирование, освоиться/ознакомиться, последователь-ность, пропорциональное соотношение, средний, общеупотребительный, оцени-вать, форма/очертание, стойкие аномалии/отклонения, чтобы исправить выяв-ленные недостатки

3.5. Change the words in italic for their equivalents from the text.

1. Isokinetic exercise is defined as movement that occurs at a constant angular velocity with accommodating resistance. 2. Work is calculated as the area under the torque curve. 3. The sports therapist needs to be logical with isokinetic testing from one session to another. 4. Speed and position of the athlete should remain similar. 5. The athlete may need a practice session before isokinetic testing to be aware of the testing order and the isokinetic dynamometer. 6. The sports therapist needs to evaluate the form of the torque curve for consistent abnormalities.

3.6. Complete the sentences with logical ending.

  Isokinetic exercise is described as movement that occurs at …   A … the area under the torque curve.
  Force can be best described as ….   B … the rate of performing work.  
  Torque is defined as …   C ... a constant angular velocity with accommodating resistance.  
  Work is defined as ….   D … a push or pull produced by the action of one object on another.  
  Work is measured as ….   E … the moment of force applied during rotational motion.  
  Power is defined as ….   F … force multiplied by displacement.

3.7. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

  allow; technological advances; resistance; variable  

1. Isokinetic evaluation and rehabilitation is limited by the … … of isokinetic dynamometers. 2. Isokinetic dynamometers now provide concentric and eccentric …. 3. Velocities are … depending on the machine, although the average range is from zero to 300 degrees/second. 4. Some machines … velocities greater than 400 degrees/second.

3.8. Insert articles if necessary.

1. Historically, … two primary advantages associated with isokinetic exercise are … ability to work maximally throughout … range of motion and … ability to work at various velocities to simulate functional activity. 2. Care should be taken, however, when inferring functional capacity based on … results of dynamic isokinetic testing. 3. Velocities achieved during functional activity greatly exceed … velocity capacities of isokinetic dynamometers. 4. Velocities measured at … hip and knee during … soccer kick exceeded 400 degrees/second and 1200 degrees/second, respectively. 5. … majority of isokinetic testing is done in … nonweight—bearing position that is not representative of functional activities. 6. However, given these limitations, isokinetic exercise can be … very powerful tool for … sports therapist in evaluation and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries.

3.9. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

1. Several manufacturers have isokinetic equipment available … the market that is not interfaced … computer-driven software. 2. The Orthotron, manufactured … Cybex, and Hydrafitness equipment are the two most widely used types … noncomputerized isokinetic exercise equipment. 3. The major advantage … this type … equipment is that the cost is substantially lower, yet they may still be used … training and strengthening. 4. The disadvantage is that they do not afford the sports therapist the capacity to produce quantifiable, objective evaluation data … an individual athlete.

3.10. Act out the conversation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 346 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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