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Circuit training

Circuit training is a technique that may be useful to the sports therapist to maintain or perhaps improve levels of muscular strength or endurance in other parts of the body while the athlete allows for healing and reconditioning of an injured body part. Circuit training uses a series of exercise stations that consist of various combinations of weight training, flexibility, calisthenics, and brief aerobic exercises. Circuits may be designed to accomplish many different training goals. With circuit training the athlete moves rapidly from one station to the next, performing whatever exercise is to be done at that station within a specified time period. A typical circuit would consist of 8 - 12 stations, and the entire circuit would be repeated three times.

Circuit training is most definitely an effective technique for improving strength and flexibility. Certainly if the pace or time interval between stations is rapid and if work load is maintained at a high level of intensity with heart rates at or above target training levels, the cardiorespiratory system may benefit from this circuit. However, there is little research evidence that shows that circuit training is very effective in improving cardiorespiratory endurance. It should be and is most often used as a technique for developing and improving muscular strength and endurance.

2.15.1. Listen to the text “Circuit Training”.

2.15.2. Answer the questions to the text “Circuit Training”.

1. Is circuit training useful to the sports therapist? 2. What series of exercises

is used in circuit training? 3. How many stations would a typical circuit consist of? 4. They would be repeated four times, wouldn’t they? 6. May cardiorespiratory system benefit from this circuit? 7. Is such technique used for developing and improving strength or endurance?

2.15.3. Tell about “Circuit Training”.

2.16. Give a talk on “Muscular Strength”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 407 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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