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At the consultation

Parent: What causes congenital heart defects?

Professor: If you have a child with a congenital heart defect, you may think you did something wrong during your pregnancy to cause the problem. However, most of the time doctors don’t know why congenital heart defects develop.

Parent: But still what factors cause them?

Professor: Heredity may play a role in some heart defects. For example, a parent who has a congenital heart defect may be more likely than other people to have a child with the condition. Children with genetic defects often have congenital heart defects. An example of this is Down syndrome – half of all babies with Down syndrome have congenital heart defects.

Parent: What signs and symptoms of congenital heart defects?

Professor: Many congenital heart defects have few or no symptoms. Severe defects can cause symptoms usually in newborn babies, such as rapid breathing, cyanosis, and tiredness.

Parent: Do defects cause pain?

Professor: No, they don’t cause chest pain or other painful symptoms.

Parent: How can defects be detected?

Professor: Abnormal blood flow through the heart caused by a heart defect will make a certain sound. Your doctor can hear this sound, called a heart murmur, with a stethoscope. However, not all murmurs are a sign of a congenital heart defects. It’s recommended to perform special cardiovascular tests.

22. Make up sentences according to the model:

Model: I’ll tell you about the holiday. I’ll get back (when)

I’ll tell you about the holiday when I get back.

1. She’ll visit old friends. She’ll be in London. 2. I’ll go to the hospital. The class will end (as soon as). 3. I won’t leave the house. The doctor will call (until). 4. Will you call me? You’ll finish your work (when). 5. We’ll begin without him. He won’t come in time (if). 6. We’ll listen to the dialogue. We’ll read the text (after). 7.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 486 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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