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Read the sentences translating the words in brackets into English


Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary.

1. He is a student … the Pedagogical University.

2. … last year I entered … the faculty … psychology.

3. He goes … the University every day.

4. My sister got interested … chemistry … the age … 16.

5. He was an organiser … a student scientific society.

6. How long does the course … engineers last … your University?

7. D.I. Mendeleyev graduated … the institute in 1854.

8. A lot of students are engaged … scientific work … their faculties.

9. My friend is good … mathematics.

10. We passed our examination … philosophy … the 12th … January.

11. How do you prepare … the next day classes?

Read the sentences translating the words in brackets into English.

1. We began to attend school (в возрасте семи лет).

2. We (заинтересовались) in some school subjects.

3. As for me I (решила) to enter the University (сразу после школы).

4. I worked hard and passed the entrance examinations (успешно).

5. Now I (студентка первого курса).

6. In January we shall (сдавать зачёты и семестровые экзамены).

7. It is very important (не пропускать лекции и семинары).

8. We (берём) all necessary books in the library (чтобы подготовиться к занятиям).

9. (Мне требуется не много времени) to get to the University.

10. I (занимаюсь общественной работой) at our faculty and I enjoy it very much.

11. There are different subjects on the (учебном плане).

12. (В конце курса обучения) students take final examinations and (представляют выпускную работу).

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 415 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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