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1. предназначать 2. конструировать, проектировать 3. задумывать, замышлять 1. замысел 2. план, композиция 3. намерение

new crops designed for the study; the device designed in our laboratory; researchers designed to prolong their experiments; the design of the machine; the design of the research; the design of the picture



1. штат служащих; служебный персонал 2. штатный 3. укомплектовывать штаты, обеспечивать персоналом

the staff of the plant; teaching staff; a staff engineer; to staff marketing department with good specialists; R&D must be appropriately equipped and staffed

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст А7, выпишите незнакомые слова.


Food R & D are greatly important to provide the new products needed for success: both must be closely linked in a market and technology linkage.

Three specific issues will heavily influence food manufacturers:

Food Safety. The food industry will have to increase efforts to assure the safety of its products. This will mean greater effort devoted to food safety assurance in product manufacturability, requiring a thorough knowledge of the history and risks associated with all ingredients.

Health Benefits. Big opportunities for the future revolve around offering foods with enhanced nutrient levels and foods containing physiologically active components that deliver potential benefits in health maintenance and disease prevention.

Interest in diet and health has resulted in a whole new industry in the 1990s – functional foods. This is a broad category including nutraceuticals, designer foods, medical foods, pharmafoods, and phytochemicals. It would include many foods currently marketed. Examples are cereal products high in complex carbohydrates and fruit products containing phytochemicals, to provide a particular health benefit.

Biotechnology. Since 1986, more than 25.000 transgenic crop trials have been conducted. Whereas initial crops were designed to deal with important disease or weed problems, the next developments will see compositional changes with improved oils and proteins. Nearly all major crops will likely have some transgenic products in the future and with increased interest in functional foods many possibilities for nutrient or phytochemical modification will occur.


Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 297 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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