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My biography

I was born in 1991 in Murmansk. At that time my family lived in a 2-room flat in Kirov Street. Five years ago we moved to a bigger flat in Bering Street that is where we live now. It is a nice place, I must admit. At the age of 3 I went to kindergarten, and at 7 – to school. I was quite good at mathematics when at school, but I didn't work hard on the other subjects. My parents were disappointed. In their opinion I should have become a great scientist at least. But I decided to become a seaman. I tried not to waste time in my last year at school. I improved my physics and English and got excellent marks for both at my final exams. At 10 I joined our school basketball club. In fact training did me a lot of good. I was rather fitthen. At 17 I finished school, passed my final exams successfullyand was admitted to the University as a first-year cadet. move to [mu:v] переезжать admit [əd΄mıt] признавать, принимать kindergarten [΄kındəֽga:tn] детский сад I should have become мне следовало бы стать scientist [΄saıəntıst] ученый improve[ım΄pru:v] улучшать, усовершенствовать join вступать be fit быть в форме successfully[sək΄sesfulı] успешно

Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык, проверьте свои ответы по контрольным ответам и повторите их по образцу.

родился was born
переезжать move to
я должен признаться I must admit
ходить в детский сад go to kindergarten
ходить в школу go to school
быть разочарованным be disappointed
по их мнению in their opinion
ученый scientist
тратить время waste time
совершенствовать improve
вступать в клуб join a club
приносить много пользы do a lot of good
быть в форме be fit
успешно successfully
принимать admit
быть способным к, хорошо успевать по be good at

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When and where were you born? I was born in 1991 in Murmansk.
Where did your family live at that time? At that time my family lived in a 2-room flat in Kirov Street.
When did you move to a bigger flat? Do you like this place? Five years ago we moved to a bigger flat in Bering Street. It is a nice place, I must admit.
Did you go to kindergarten? At the age of 3 I went to kindergarten.
When did you go to school? I went to school at 7.
What subjects were you good at? I was quite good at mathematics.
Why were your parents disappointed? I didn't work hard on the other subjects. In their opinion I should have become a great scientist.
How did you study in your last year at school? I tried not to waste time, I improved my physics and English and got excellent marks for both at my final exams.
Were you fit at school? Yes. At 10 I joined our school basketball club. Training did me a lot of good.
When did you finish school? At 17 I finished school.
How did you pass your final exams? I passed my final exams successfully.

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Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 311 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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