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Статьи на английском и других иностранных языках

  1. Iarskaia-Smirnova Е. and Romanov P. The Rhetoric and Practice of Modernisation: Soviet Social Policy, 1917-1930s // Dual Mandate / ed. by Gisela Hauss and Dagmar Schulte. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2008. forthcoming.
  2. Iarskaia-Smirnova Е. and Romanov P. Gendering social work in Russia: towards anti-discriminatory practices // Equal Opportunities Volume 27 Issue 1, 2008. P. 64-76.
  3. Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Romanov P. Culture matters: integration of folk medicine in health care in Russia, In: Ellen Kuhlmann and Mike Saks (eds) Rethinking professional governance: International directions in health care, Bristol: The Policy Press, 2008.
  4. Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Romanov P. Gender in Russian Textbooks on Social Policy and Social Work, 1997-2004 // Weibliche und mannliche Entwurfe des Sozialen / ed. By E. Kruse and E. Tegeler. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2007. pp.215-227.
  5. Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Romanov P. Perspectives of inclusive education in Russia // European Journal of Social Work Volume 10, Number 1/March 2007. P.89-105.
  6. Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Romanov P. The Problem of Access to a Higher Education for Handicapped People // Russian Education and Society, vol. 48, no. 8, August 2006, pp. 54-71.
  7. Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Romanov P. Institutional child care in Soviet Russia. Everyday life in the children's home 'Krasnyi Gorodok' in Saratov, 1920s-1940s, in: Kurt Schilde, Dagmar Schulte (eds) Need and Care - Glimpses into the Beginnings of Eastern Europe's Professional Welfare. Opladen and Bloomfield Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2005. pp.91-122.
  8. Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Romanov P., Shcheblanova W. Naisterroristit Venäjän tiedotusvälineissä [Women-terrorists in interpretative models of mass media: discourse-analysis of press publications], in: Idantutkimus: Sota (The Finnish review of East European Studies) № 1, 2005. pp.3-14 (in collaboration with Pavel Romanov and Weronika Shcheblanova) In Finnish language.
  9. Iarskaia-Smirnova E. R, Loshakova I.I. Inclusive Education of Handicapped Children // Russian Education and Society, vol. 46, no. 12, December 2004, pp. 63-74.
  10. Iarskaia-Smirnova E. "Nekoc je bilo dekle, ki je rada plesala..." Zivlenjske izkusnje rusinjj z motoricno oviro ['Once upon a time there was a girl who liked to dance...' Life experiences of Russian women with motor impairments], Socialno Delo. Vol. 44- februar-april, 2004. st.1-2. S.29-28 In Slovenian Language.
  11. Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Romanov P. Professional Development of Social Work in Russia, in: Werner Heister (Hrsg.) Management und Soziale Arbeit. IX Europaeisches Symposium zur Sozialen Arbeit. Moenchengladbach 2.11.03-4.11.03. Schriften des Fachbereichs Sozialwesen der Hochschule Niederrhein. Band 38. Hochschule Niederrhein. Moenchengladbach, 2004. p.289-328.
  12. Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Pavel Romanov, and Natalia Lovtsova Professional development of social work in Russia // Social Work and Society Volume 2 (2004) Issue 1 http://www.socwork.net/2004/1/countrynotes/441.
  13. Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Romanov P. Single mothers, poverty and social work: a case study from Russia, in: Rolv Lyngstad, Gunn Strand Hutchinson, Lisbet Lund and Siv Oltedal (eds.) Single mothers, poverty and social work. Case studies from Norway, Australia, Canada, Russia and USA. Hoegskolen i Bodoe. HBO rapport 8/2004. P.171-280.
  14. "A salary is not important here..." Professionalization of Social Work in Contemporary Russia, in: Social Policy and Administration, 36(2), 2002. 123-141 (in collaboration with Pavel Romanov).
  15. At the Margins of Memory: Provincial Identity and Soviet Power in Oral Histories, 1940-53, in: Donald Raleigh (ed) Provincial Landscapes. Local Dimensions of Soviet Power, 1917-1953. Pittsburgh University Press: Pittsburgh, 2001. pp.299-330 (in collaboration with Pavel Romanov).
  16. Social change and self-empowerment: stories of disabled people in Russia, in: Mark Priestley (ed), Disability and the Life Course: global perspectives. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2001. pp.101-112.
  17. Iarskaia-Smirnova E. Social Work in Russia: Professional Identity, Culture and the State, in: Bogdan Lesnik (ed), International Perspectives in Social Work - Social Work and the State. Pavilion Publishing: Brighton, 1999. pp.31-44.
  18. "What the future will bring I do not know..." Mothering Children with Disabilities in Russia and the Politics of Exclusion, in: Frontiers. Journal for Women Studies. № 2, 1999. pp. 58-86.
  19. A New Face of the Old Problem: The Centre-Periphery Dimension of Informational Resources in Russian Social Sciences, in: Rachel Walker and Marcia F.Taylor (eds) Information Dissemination and Access in Russia and Eastern Europe. Problems and Solutions in East and West. Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford: IOS Press, 1998. pp.113-118 (in collaboration with Pavel Romanov).
  20. When There is a Handicapped Child in the Family, in: Russian Education and Society. A journal of translations, October 1997. pp. 54-68.
  21. Comparison of Russian Family Life Then and Now, in: Social Development Issues. 1996. Vol.18 (1). pp.53-65.

Тезисы международных конференций:

  1. Integration, culture and professionalisation: folk medicine in contemporary Russia// Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society. 8th ESA Conference. Glasgow, 2007. P.285-286.
  2. Ярская-Смирнова Е.Р. Теоретический дискурс семьи и сексуальности // VII Конгресс этнографов и антропологов России. Доклады и выступления. Саранск, 9-14 июля 2007. Саранск, 2007. С. 216.
  3. Ярская-Смирнова Е.Р. Ландшафты памяти: теория и методология прочтения фотоальбомов // VII Конгресс этнографов и антропологов России. Доклады и выступления. Саранск, 9-14 июля 2007. Саранск, 2007. С. 291.
  4. Social Anthropology of Professions in Russia; The Development of Russian Social Policy: Conflict and Legacy of Modernization; Professionalization of Social Work in Russia: International Impact and Local Knowledge, in: XVI World Congress of Sociology. Durban, South Africa: ISA, 23-29 July 2006. Abstracts. Durban: ISA, 23-29 July 2006. P.113-114.
  5. Interpreting visual memories of Soviet institutional child care // Sixth European Social Science History Conference 22-25 March 2006 Amsterdam http://www2.iisg.nl/esshc/programme9606.asp?selyear=8&pap=4145.
  6. Gender, Disability and Self-empowerment in Russia, in: Visions and Divisions: Challenges to European Sociology, the 5th conference of the European Sociological Association, Helsinki, Finland, Aug.28 -Sept.1, 2001. P.91.
  7. Teaching gender and disability: A hidden curriculum in a boarding school. Presentation for the ESA Sociology of Education stream, 28th August - 1st September 2001, Helsinki, Finland. ttp://www.policy.hu/iarskaia/teaching_gender_and_disability.htm.
  8. The Street-Level Bureaucracy of Social Services: an Ethnography of Social Policy in a Russian Province (in collaboration with Pavel Romanov), in: Reconstituting Social Policy: Global, National, Local, Annual Conference 24-26 July 2001, Belfast, UK. P.65.
  9. The Social Construction of Otherness. In: Consciousness Research Abstracts. A service from the Journal of Consciousness Studies. April, 1996. p.182.
  10. From Strong Belief to Critical Cultural Experience. The Development of Social Work Education in Russia. In: Problem Based Learning. International Conference. Linkoeping, Sweden. 1995. p.78.

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