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Text 12. Sales Management

Dealings in sales management are always connected with the market. The main responsibility of the sales managers is to meet and interact with a variety of customers including their own employees so as to understand the real needs of customers. Due to the varied market requirements and market opportunities, the engaged sales personnel need newer and sophisticated techniques and innovative computer programs to match the market trends. Sales management by itself is a very broad portfolio and it includes all levels and positions such as new business selling, technical selling, trade sales, and missionary sales.

Persons holding sales management positions are required to show a very strong and favourable performance and track record within a year or two. The team that is engaged in sales management has the direct opportunity to deal with the market. The personnel can make use of their expertise and experiences to deal with the human factor. The opportunities such as direct interaction with a variety of customers including their own colleagues make the sales management people very confident. They can do a very quality work by understanding the feel of the market. Any detailed knowledge about the product that they sell can certainly assist sales people in clarifying the doubts and explaining things to the prospective buyers. At the first instance, the personnel who sells the products should believe in the products they sell as without this understanding it will be a difficult task for them to sell. Few of other important factors that directly impact the sales figures are the motivation levels, initiatives shown by the sales team and effective supervision by the managerial group of the organisation.

Answer the questions:

1. What type of management is always connected with the market?

2. What is the main responsibility of the sales manager?

3. What techniques do sales personnel need nowadays?

4. What levels and positions does sales management include?

5. What is a sales manager required to show to get a position?

6. What makes sales management people confident?

7. Why must sales managers have detailed knowledge about the product they sell?

8. Why should sales managers believe in what they sell?

9. What factors can directly impact the sales figures?

10. Who carries out supervision in sales management?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 434 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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