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Use the table to make up as many meaningful sentences as possible. You could complete them with place adverbials

There V S A (optional)
is There was has been a pair of a variety of a range of a series of a set of a collection of a assortment of a corpus of a store of a pile of a heap of a bundle of a pack of a pool of a load of a crowd of a gang of a assembly of a crew of a team of someone’s personal belongings cards old tin cans hiking boots listening comprehension materials subjects cushions cheeses options keys natural disasters early English paintings money / cash rubbish raisins experts bigwigs TV men skinheads football fans in the box in the cupboard in the glove compartment in the boot of the car in the language lab in my office in the White House in the region in that manifesto in front of me on the floor on the top available to share for you to choose from waiting to see the Chief-Inspector working on the problem frightening people still excited after the match from politics to astrology

Joint the words from A. and B. appropriately.

A. a flock a swarm a pack a school a shoal a herd a brood a pride a litter     OF B. whales seagulls herrings bees wolves lions cattle puppies chicks

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 426 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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