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Operating System Architecture. Coordinating the Machine’s Activities.

operating system- a group of programs and functions that provide basic functionality on a computer; The software that manages access to a system's hardware and other resources.

Part I Work in class

Task 1 Can you say? Let’s do it!

I. Pronunciation drills

inside – pride died-denied context - xerox
wide-guide divide- hide space - device
sighedt – tried outside- decide kernel-vernal
dried-bride ride-slide code - mode
cried- fried execute- contribute interface-race

II. Tongue twister

"Intel Inside!,"

Intel vied,

with ample pride

world wide

in guide

"Proven and tried!".

"Intel Inside!"

Budgets sighed;

millions buyed;

RISC sales dried

like ancient bride.

"Intel Inside?"

Can't divide!

Scientists cried,

fit to be tied,

and numbers fried.

"Intel Inside?"

Can't divide!!

Pi's pied

when FDIV died

and accuracy denied.

"Intel Inside?"

Can't divide?

Executives hide

from "outside"

during Intel bide

on warranty decide.

"Intel Inside?"

Can't divide?!!

See "Thalidomide".

(Taken for a ride.)

Intel lied.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 290 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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