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Name:Jessica Parker Organization:Foul Ball Position:a member of activist group Main interests:propaganda against bonded labor and sexual slavery Personal characteristics:strong-willed, challenging, brave, decisive   Words to be used in speech: To grow intertwined Eye-opening discovery To bar imports of goods To sprout up with To buy children out of bondage To eliminate certain varieties of child labor Scrutiny of working conditions To free bonded laborers    
Name:Maria Organization:UNICEF Position:a senior official Main interests:worldwide analysis of child labor, laws banning child labor Personal characteristics: reliable, honest, supportive Words to be used in speech: To make an accurate estimate To tally the numbers of working children Child labor violations Austerity programs To adopt a code of conduct Underage workers To put into effect To certify goods and products To call for regular factory inspections To curb bonded child labor To set fines for employers To violate long-standing laws To stamp out child labor    

Questions coming from TV viewers:

· How did you manage to find out the exact number of child laborers throughout the world?

· What are the typical living conditions of millions of child laborers?

· What are their typical duties?

· In what way is “child labor” defined this century?

· Why is the number of child laborers increasing?

· What are the main reasons for child labor to have existed for such a long time?

· What are psychological effects of child labor?

· Could you tell us about the origin of child labor?

· Were there any laws enacted to eliminate it? In what countries?

· What was the role of the USA in this respect?

· How has the situation changed over the years?

· What is the minimum working age today?

· How does law enforcement function throughout the world?

· What are the principles of your work?

· Which measures do you employ in your struggle?

· Is there any international cooperation in struggling against child labor?

· Who was the most well-known opponent of child labor?

· Does the child labor exist in any other country of the world, except developing ones?

· Why does this problem still exist?

· Are there any projects carried out by your organisation to bar child labor?

· What are the most severe persuasive methods of struggling against child labor increase?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 252 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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