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Chapters 13 and 14. I. Learn the following words and expressions: - to be well off - violent - he would have to do - to get changed - queue - in advance -

Vocabulary work

I. Learn the following words and expressions:

- to be well off - violent - he would have to do - to get changed - queue - in advance - waiter - to take the order - swordfish - Don’t show me up. - self-conscious - obvious - driving license - not one’s type - to doubt - arrangement   - to change one’s mind - chickpeas - tinned (food) - to earn - to help with the washing up - sincerity - scotch - urge to do smth. - good works - loo - absence of smth. - plausible - to foresee - to penetrate

II. Answer the questions:

  1. What plan did Marcus have in mind when he was getting ready to go out with his mother and Will? Was his plan working out?
  2. Describe Fiona as if you were Will. Describe Will as if you were Fiona.
  3. What made Will change his mind about seeing Marcus and his mother any more?
  4. What did Marcus discover when he came to see Will?

III. State who these words belong to. Translate and reproduce the situations in which they are used:

  1. “You don’t want to look like an old bag there. In case one of them sees you.”
  2. “We obviously don’t read the same restaurant reviews.”
  3. “… it’s got to be my sort of famous, not your sort of famous.”
  4. “Don’t just sit there. Talk to each other.”
  5. “… we have at least sixty years of conversational experience between us here, and maybe we ought to be able to get something going.”
  6. “What business is it of yours?”
  7. “I can’t go out with someone just because you want me to. I’d have to like the person as well.”

IV. Translate into English:

- в два раза лучше;

- частный детектив;

- представиться;

- иметь что-то общее;

- выискивать, вынюхивать;

- заключить сделку с кем-л.

Oral practice

V. Comment on the following:

1. … he knew this: if a girl and a boy met, and they didn’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, and they both looked all right, and they didn’t mind each other, then they might as well go out together. (p. 84)

2. She was going through a Kramer vs Kramer kind of thing at the time. You know, a sort of I-want-to-find-out-who-I-am malarkey. (p. 86)

3. When Will had conceived this fantasy and joined SPAT, he had imagined sweet little children, not children who would be able to track him down and come to his house. He had imagined entering their world, but he hadn’t foreseen that they might be able to penetrate his. He was one of life’s visitors; he didn’t want to be visited. (p. 93)

VI. Give a good literary translation of the following:

1. “No famous people ever went to this Twenty-Eight place. You could tell. It was nice, and the fries were good, but it was just normal; it didn’t have anything on the walls, like Clint Eastwood’s jacket, or the mask Michael Keaton wore in Batman. It didn’t even have any signed photos. The Indian restaurant near their flat that delivered their takeaways wasn’t famous at all, but even that had a signed picture of someone who used to play for Arsenal ages ago. He didn’t mind though. The main thing was that they were sat down and dry, and Will and his mother could begin to talk.” (p. 82)

2. “She wasn’t bad. The piano playing was better than her voice, but her voice wasn’t awful, simply adequate, if a little thin, and she could certainly carry a tune. No, it wasn’t the quality that embarrassed him, it was the sincerity. He’d been with people who had picked up guitars and sat down at pianos before (although not for a very long time), but they had always sent themselves up in some way: they had chosen stupid songs to play, or sung them in a stupid way, or camped them up or done anything to show they didn’t mean it.” (p. 89)

3. “Fiona called him once more, soon after the excruciating supper; she left a message on the machine, and he didn’t answer it. Suzie called him too, and though he wanted to see her, he suspected she was ringing on Fiona’s behalf, so he was vague and non-committal. It looked to him like he’d taken the single mum thing as far as it would go, and he was preparing for a return to the life he had been living before he met Angie. Maybe it was for the best.” (p. 91)

VII. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Marcus didn’t want to leave his mother alone because he was worried for her safety.
  2. Will, Fiona and Marcus had lunch at Planet Hollywood.
  3. Will and Fiona at first felt awkward at the restaurant.
  4. Fiona said she had been married to Marcus’s father.
  5. Will liked the way Fiona dressed.
  6. Fiona was a better piano player than singer.
  7. Will was expecting Marcus to come and visit him.
  8. Marcus told Will he got his address from Suzie.

VIII. Retell the 13th and 14th Chapters as if you were:

1) Marcus

2) Fiona

3) Will.


IX. Make up and act out the continuation of the dialogue between Fiona and Will at the end of Chapter 13.

X. Write a one-page summary of the Chapters 13,14.

XI. Make up your own story (8-10 sentences) using your active vocabulary.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 207 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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