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Vocabulary. Customs clearance of cargo

revenue (n) государственный доход
a customs union таможенный союз
to obtain получить, добиться
to raise повышать
rate of tariff ставка тарифа
revenue tariff фискальный тариф
domestic production отечественное производство
foreign competition иностранные конкуренты
income доход
specific duty специфические пошлины
ad valorem duty адвалорные пошлины
to levy взимать
to impose налагать
physical quantity количество
to calculate начислять
ad valorem адвалорный, соответствующий стоимости
open market открытый рынок
freight перевозка, стоимость перевозки
insurance страховка
commission комиссия
packing упаковка
other costs другие расходы
indirect tax косвенный налог
excise акциз, акцизный
VAT (Value Added Tax) НДС, налог на добавленную стоимость
competition зд. конкуренты
costs зд. расходы
to deliver / delivery доставлять / доставка
consumption потребление



Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

When transport means carrying cargo cross the border of the Russian Federation, the cargo as well as the vehicle is subject to Customs clearance and control. The documents are checked, the cargo is examined to ensure that the information stated in the documents is true to the fact and that no prohibited goods may come along.

(1) Customs clearance consists of 5 steps and starts with checking and registration of a Cargo Declaration form and supporting documents (Bills of Lading, Invoice, Packing List, Insurance Policies, Certificates of Origin, etc.). The documents are submitted electronically and in writing by the owner of the goods or by a person acting on his behalf.

(2) Then customs officials define and classify the goods in accordance with the Goods Nomenclature to apply the proper rate of tariff and check if the cargo is liable to any tariff preferences or tax privileges.

(3) Next they study the foreign trade contract and check if the true value of the goods is stated there. Having used the proper method of customs valuation the officials assess the amount of duty to be paid.

(4) After that the duties are levied and it can be done on different terms. Depending on the company’s previous record and reputation, payment of duties may be deferred but in some cases the Customs may require to guarantee the payment.

(5) After paper processing they pass over to practical examination. To speed up the rummage customs officers exercise risk management to target certain cargo consignments for inspection. Transit goods under seal are checked when they arrive in the country of destination.

Processing the documents, at each stage a customs official stamps “VERIFIED” on the back side of a Cargo Declaration form and puts the date, the time, his signature and personal identification number.

If shipment or entry is not authorized the Customs will return the documents and attach a Refusal Note indicating the reason for denial.

In case the goods are of dangerous or sensitive nature, unpacking is done by experts familiar with the risks involved. When the cargo is found in bad or damaged condition or deficient in quantity, it may be put apart for further settlement of the situation with the owner or the carrier of the goods.

Finally the Customs Office Chief stampsCLEARED ” on the documents stating that the cargo and transport means are released from customs control.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 373 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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