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Human brain and its functions

Most brains exhibit a substantial distinction between the grey matter and white matter. Grey matter consists primarily of the cellbodies of the neurons, while white matter is comprised mostly of the fibers (axons) which connect neurons. The axons are surrounded by a fatty insulating sheath called myelin, giving the white matter its distinctive color. The outer layer of the brain is gray matter called cerebral cortex. Deep in the brain, compartments of white matter, gray matter and spaces filled with cerebrospinal fluid are found.

The brain innervates the head through cranial nerves, and it communicates with the spinal cord, which innervates the body through spinal nerves. Nervous fibers transmitting signals from the brain are called efferent fibers. The fibers transmitting signals to the brain are called afferent (or sensory) fibers. Nerves can be afferent, efferent or mixed (i.e., containing both types of fibers).

The brain is the site of reason and intelligence, which include such components as cognition, perception, attention, memory and emotion. The brain is also responsible for control of posture and movements. It makes possible cognitive, motor and other forms of learing. The brain can perform a variety of functions automatically, without the need for conscious awareness, such as coordination of sensory systems, walking, and homeostatic body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, fluid balance, and body temperature.

Many functions are controlled by coordinated activity of the brain and spinal cord. Moreover, some behaviors such as simple reflexes and basic locomotion, can be executed under spinal cord control alone.

The study of the brain is known as neuroscience, a field of biology aimed at understanding the functions of the brain at every level, from the molecular up to the psychological. There is also a branch of psychology that deals with the anatomy and physiology of the brain, known as biological psychology. This field of study focuses on each individual part of the brain and how it affects behavior.

Ex. 22. Narrate the text “Human Brain and its Functions” and retell it.

Ex. 23. Choose the correct form of each verb:


Inside your head there is a remarkable organ, the brain. You use it to understand and remember things that (1) around you. The brain is soft and spongy. It (2) of billions of tiny parts called cells. Three coats or membranes (3) the brain.

The brain sometimes (4) the busiest communication center in the world. The brain (5) your body functions and keeps all parts of your body working together. Thousands of messages from all parts of the body (6) to and from the brain. Messages (7) to the brain by sensory nerves. Special places, or centers, on the brain receive sensory messages from all parts of the body. When messages (8) by centers, the brain (9) them.

All day long your muscles and your brain (10). By the end of the day they (11). Then your brain and your muscles (12) to relax. Before long, you go to sleep. As you sleep, the big muscles in your body relax.

(1) are happened; are happening.

(2) is made up; made up.

(3) is covered; cover.

(4) is called; calls.

(5) is controlled; controls.

(6) send; are being sent.

(7) are carried; was carried.

(8) are received; will receive.

(9) is interpreted; interprets.

(10) are worked; are working.

(11) have be tired; are tired.

(12) are started; start.

Ex. 24. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Головний мозок міститься у порожнині черепа. 2. Середня маса головного мозку становить 1100-1800 г. 3. Довгастий мозок і міст є частинами мозкового стовбура. 4. У довгастому мозку біла речовина розташована на поверхні, а в середині міститься сіра речовина. 5. Передня та задня частини мосту утворені сірою і білою речовинами. 6. Довгастий мозок і міст виконують рефлекторну та провідну функції. 7. Мозочок розташований позаду від довгастого мозку та мосту. Він складається із сірої та білої речовини. 8. На поверхні мозочка сіра речовина утворює кору мозочка.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 682 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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