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From a position S of Shoreham-by-Sea (50° 50' N, 0° 15' W) the coastal route leads 11 miles E to a position 3 of Newhaven, passing (with positions from Brighton Marina:

S of a light-buoy (S cardinal) (5 miles WSW) which marks the seaward end of a sewer outfall, thence:

S of West Pier (2 miles W) which extends 1 cable seaward and has a pavilion at its head from which a light is exhibited. The pier is in a dangerous condition and closed to the public, vessels should not berth alongside. A pontoon with a topmark (yellow cross) and at night a light, is moored 2 cables ESE of the pier. Thence:

S of Marine Palace Pier (1 ½ miles W) which extends 3 cables seaward. Two lights are exhibited from the head of the pier. It is prohibited to berth on the pier. Lights for the use of fishermen are occasionally exhibited 3 and 6 cables E of the pier. Thence:

S of Brighton Marina. The two piers and the marina are useful identification features on radar. Thence:

S of Black Rock Ledge (5 cables SSE) which extends from the cliffy and gives rise to irregular depths out to the 5 m depth contour 45/2 cables offshore. The ledge lies within the red sector (260°-295°) of Brighton Marina East Breakwater Light (3.76), Thence:

S of a light-buoy (special) (3 miles SE) which marks the seaward end of a sewer outfall. Initially the outfall is contained in a concrete groyne which runs 7 cables from the cliff. This is 1 m high at its seaward end and marked by a beacon (cage topmark). Thence:

Across the Greenwich Meridian. An obelisk (4 miles ESE) which marks the meridian stands on the cliff at Peace haven.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. How is a vessel entered outwards?

2. Why should the mooring lines be constantly watched?

3. What types of lights do you know?

4. What is lateral system used for?

5. What dangers may threaten the ship’s safety?

III.Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Этот береговой знак, увенчанный конусом, расположен в 3 ½ милях от берега.

2.Почему надо обойти этот остров на большом расстоянии? Этот остров надо обойти на большом расстоянии из-за мелководья.

3.В гавань входят между утесами В. и М., обходя северный мыс на большом


4.Течения в западном входе в Английский канал – круговые по направлению часовой стрелки.

5.Южный берег бухты окаймлен коралловыми рифами.

IV. Rewrite and translate the following inscriptions on the chart.

1. As the space enclosed by the dotted line has not been surveyed and is known to abound with dangers ships are cautioned not to attempt to pass within it.

2. The buoys are constantly shifted as the Channels change and the light sectors are amended as found necessary frequently previous to the publication of a Notice to Mariners. Mariners are warned accordingly not to mistake them for starboard hand channel buoys.

3. Height above datum of soundings.

V. Translate part of the dialogue by VHF into English. Rewrite the whole dialogue:

M/V A: This is A. This is A. This is A. Delta. Oscar. Uniform. На канале 8. Как меня слышите? Приём.

Port Control: This is Port Control. Read you two. Переключитесь на канал 6. Приём.

M/V A: This is A. Agree. VHF cannel 6. Приём. ( switching toVHF cannel 6. )

M/V A: This is A. This is A. This is A. Как меня слышите? Приём.

Port Control: This is Port Control. Read you five. Приём.

M/V A: This is A. Информация: My position is 42°40” North. 54° 36”West. Вопрос: What is the latest ice information in the area? Приём.

Port Control: This is Port Control. Roger Info: Your position is 42°40” North. 54° 36”West. Roger Question: What is the latest ice information in the area? Answer: Ice warning in the area. Broken ice is reported in this area. Штормовое предупреждение. Приём.

M/V A: This is A. Roger Answer: Ice warning. Broken ice is reported in this area. Штормовое предупреждение. Question: What ice situation is expected in my position? Приём.

Port Control: This is Port Control. Вопрос понял. Answer: Ice situation is expected to deteriorate in your position. Приём.

M/V A: This is A. Roger Answer. Question: Must I require icebreaker assistance to enter? Приём.

Port Control: This is Port Control. Answer: Yes. Навигация в этом районе возможна только при помощи ледокола. Receiving point is 205° 10 miles from C.M. Приём.

M/V A: This is A. Roger Answer. Nothing more. Out.

VI. Your vessel has just arrived in a foreign port. What documents should you prepare for examination by Port Authorities?

VII. Read and translate the information about one of the ports from "Guide to Port Entry”. Get ready to comment on this information and discuss it with the teacher.


Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 240 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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