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Sum up what the dialogue and the text said about driving in Britain

Role play.

Imagine you are speaking with an English businessman. Discuss:

• traffic jams

• speed limits

• parking facilities etc.

Unit forty four

Windsor and Eton


On Sunday morning the group started on an excursion for Windsor by coach.

Windsor lies 34 km west of London and is famous, first and foremost for Windsor Castle, the residence of the royal family Many parts of this historic castle are open to the public while some other parts are always closed and some are closed when the royal family is in residence.

The site of Windsor Castle was fust defended by William the Conqueror in 1070 and for the next 900 years the building was con­tinually enlarged, growing from a medieval castle to a vast and com­plex royal palace.

The most impressive of all the castle buildings is St. Geoige's Chapel, a masterpiece of perpendicular Gothic architecture. The State Apartments, which are closed to the public, comprise 16 rooms, and each is a treasure house of superb furniture, porcelain, and armour The rooms are decorated with carvings by Grinling, Gibbons, ceilings by Venio and works from the royal collections. They include Van Dyck's paintings

The star attraction, open to the public, is Queen Mary's Doll's House, designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and given to the nation in 1923. The furnishings are designed at one-twelfth lifesize.

Part of Windsor Central Railway Station has now been converted to a waxworks museum iun by Madame Tussaud's, recreating the scene in 1879 when a special train arrived here to celebrate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Queen Victoria, the longest ruling monarch in Britain, who lived in 1837-1901, symbolises the unity of the nation, the British Empire and the progress of the nation in the nineteenth centuiy.

After visiting Windsor the group walked to Eton. They went along Thames Street from Windsor Castle down to the river, where Windsor Bridge took them to Eton, Windsor's twin town, on the northern bank. Eton is the home of Eton college, the public school that has produced no fewer than 20 prime ministers. It was term time and they saw a lot of students around, dressed in their distinctive tail coats and wing collars.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 300 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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